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Giuliana Olmos
Giuliana Olmos

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Technical Interview Questions - Part 1 - Javascript


Hey everyone!

How's it going?

How you doin'? from friends

I’ve been thinking about starting a series based on the theoretical questions I’ve come across in technical interviews. I’ll be covering Javascript, NodeJS, Typescript, and SQL.

The goal of this series is to give quick responses and explain key concepts. Also, you’ll notice "Part 1" in the title—I'm not sure yet how many parts this series will have! 😅

This first chapter will dive into ✨Javascript✨.

Homer Simpsons with glases

So, let's go...

## Questions
1. What are the differences between regular and arrow functions in JavaScript?
2. What are the differences between then() and async/await?
3. What timing events do you know in JS, and how do they work?

Question 1: What are the differences between regular and arrow functions in JavaScript?


  • They are syntactically different (Arrow functions were introduced in ECMAScript 6).
  • Arrow functions can be anonymous (they don’t need a name). //Clarification in comments
  • The key difference lies in how they handle the this context.

In this post, I'll focus on the most commonly asked aspect: the difference in how this is handled.

Let’s use this object as an example.

const cat = {
 name: 'Rubi',

//This is a regular function
 regularGreet() {
   console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);

//This is an arrow function
 arrowGreet: () => {
   console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);

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If you run those functions, the result will be the next.

cat.regularGreet(); // return "Hello, my name is Rubi. I mean... meow"

cat.arrowGreet(); // return "Hello, my name is undefined. I mean... meow"
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In the arrow function, ${} is undefined.

DISCLAIMER: This example works if you're using Node or Deno. However, it will throw an error in Bun because the default context is undefined.


why word

Because of how the this keyword works:

In regular functions, this refers to the object the function is a part of. However, arrow functions don’t have their own this; instead, they inherit it from the surrounding context.

For example, if I log this inside a regular function, it will output the cat object.

 regularGreet() {
   console.log({ this: this });
   console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);
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Logging cat object

But, when I log this in an arrow function:

arrowGreet: () => {
   console.log({ this: this });
   console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);
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This logs empty

This is empty.

It's essential to know that when we don’t have a broader scope, this refers to the Window object.

How could you print the name in arrowGreet?

Well, you could define this, inside arrowGreet()

 arrowGreet: () => {
   console.log({ this: this }); = Rubi

   console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);
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Now, you will be logging:

Hello, my name is Rubi. I mean... meow
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However, this is not a good practice; if you have to define this inside the function, use regular functions instead.

But if you want to inherit the context for the arrow function. You could do the next.

inheritContext() {
   const inceptionArrow = () => {
     console.log({ this2: this });
     console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);
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inheritContext() => It’s a regular funcion. So the context of “this” is the same as regularGreet(), the object cat.

inceptionArrow() => It’s inside of inheritContext(). As we said before, the arrow function inherits its context. So, which context is it inheriting from?

Yes, cat.

The result of printing this2

Result of print this2

We can apply the same approach with another example, this time using setTimeout(). In this case, we have a regular function that contains an arrow function, which inherits its context from secondCombinationFunctions().

 secondCombinationFunctions() {
   setTimeout(() => {
     console.log({ this3: this });
     console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}. I mean... meow`);
   }, 1000);

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Question 2: What are the differences between then() and async/await?


There are no differences between them other than their syntaxes.

If we have an existent function called asyncFunction() and we run it using async/await and then()

await asyncFunction();
console.log('Run this after running asyncFunction');

asyncFunction.then(() => {
 console.log('Run this after running asyncFunction');

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The results and the order of its run will be the same.

The difference could be that sometimes we need to run several functions concurrently, and using then() could create a callback hell.

  function2().then(()=> {
    function3().then(() => {

Question 2.5: How do you avoid a callback Hell?


Using async/await.
Avoiding nested .then() calls.

The execution is almost the same, but it’s more readable in this way.


await function1()
await function2()
await function3()
await function4()
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Question 3: What timing events do you know in JS, and how do they work?


I know about two different timing events in JS.



Both methods from the “window” object allow you to run your code in intervals.

The definition of both from w3school is:

setTimeout(function, milliseconds)
Executes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds.

setInterval(function, milliseconds)
It is the same as setTimeout() but repeats the function's execution continuously.

How it works setTimeout?

function testSetTimeout() {
 console.log('Start function');
 setTimeout(() => {
   console.log('Hello World');
 }, 3000);
 console.log('Waiting set Time out');

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Logs testSetTimeout

The order of how it runs is

  1. Run console.log('Start function');
  2. Run setTimeout(); The timing starts to count now before running the function inside setTimeout.
  3. Run console.log('Waiting set Time out');
  4. The timer hits 3000 and runs the function that shows the console.log.

How do I stop the setTimeout?

When the function set with the setTimeout has yet to run, you can stop it with clearTimeout().

function testSetTimeout() {
 console.log('Start function');
 const settedTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
   console.log('Hello World');
 }, 3000);
 console.log('Waiting setTimeout');

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Log after cut setInterval

How it works setInterval?

function testSetInterval() {
 console.log('Start function');
 setInterval(() => {
   console.log('Run interval');
 }, 2000);
 console.log('Waiting for interval starting');

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  1. Run console.log('Start function');
  2. Run setInterval(); As setTimeout() in that line is when the timer starts to count.
  3. Run console.log('Waiting for interval starting');
  4. The timer hits 2000ms and runs the function that shows the console.log. Then, every 2000ms, the function runs again.

Log SetInterval

How could we stop it?

Using clearInterval()

function testSetInterval() {
 console.log('Start function');
 const settedInterval = setInterval(() => {
   console.log('Run interval');
 }, 2000);
 console.log('Waiting for interval starting');


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The result is the next:

Log after cut interval

Or... we could combine the timers to step the interval after a specific time.

function testSetInterval() {
 console.log('Start function');
 const settedInterval = setInterval(() => {
   console.log('Run interval');
 }, 2000);
 console.log('Waiting for interval starting');

 setInterval(() => {
 }, 10000)

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Then, the interval will run for 10k milliseconds for each 2k ms.

Cut interval after 10k ms

The end...

That’s all for now! I’m working on more posts covering common interview questions (I’ve got a list of others to tackle). If there’s a specific question you’d like me to explain, feel free to drop it in the comments, and I’ll make sure to include it.

✨I hope this is helpful to everyone!✨

Thank you so much, and see you next time 🫶🏻

Tylor Swift jumping

Last but not least

I want to say thanks to Samuel Rouse for taking the time to write comments, correcting and adding clarifications that helped me improve this post.

Top comments (3)

oculus42 profile image
Samuel Rouse

Thanks for writing this! A lot of technical interviewing questions can be tricky or "gotcha" questions, but these are real foundational knowledge and you go into good detail on your answers.

There are a few small issues that might be addressed.

Anonymous Functions

In the description of arrow functions, you say, "Arrow functions can be anonymous". This is true, but it is not unique to arrow functions.

// Fully anonymous
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { /* ... */ });

// Technically anonymous (Name assigned automatically)
const addTwo = function (value) { return value + 2; };

// Not anonymous, name separate from variable
const addFour = function add4 (value) { return value + 4; };
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We don't usually think of the second one as anonymous because years ago browsers (Chrome first, I think?) started assigning the variable name to an anonymous function to make stack traces more useful, but it is technically anonymous.

this in Arrows

Very minor but depending on the context in which you run your example code, you might not see undefined for the name. A browser's default context is window, and is usually an empty string. The example works as you specify in Node or Deno, though in Bun it will throw an error because the default context is undefined, so cannot be read.

Promise Hell

This is something most people wouldn't take issue with, but I really like promises, so much that my first DEV article was about promises. Nesting .then() is usually an anti-pattern, and in the example case, we can just as easily write this:

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I know a lot of people prefer async/await because it's more comfortable for them to read, but promises get some bad press, in my opinion.😭

Prefer MDN

As a last bit, I strongly recommend using MDN over w3schools as a source for definitions and documentation. W3Schools has improved over time, but has been known to have out of date or inaccurate content. MDN is basically the manual for the web.

Again, thank you for writing and sharing this. and I look forward to seeing more content from you!

giulianaolmos profile image
Giuliana Olmos

Hello Samuel!! 😃
I was expecting feedback, but not this much detail!
I'm really happy with all the clarifications and examples you gave me. Thank you so much for taking the time to correct and explain everything. 🫶🏻 The goal of this post is to help others with their interviews, and I definitely don’t want to make things harder for them. 😅
I’ll make sure to fix everything and avoid these mistakes. 💪🏼

tn_decor profile image
