DEV Community

Rohith Gilla
Rohith Gilla

Posted on

Calling out developers for help fighting COVID-19

Hey all, I am Rohith Gilla from CovIndia. We are creating really amazing impact in the society, our data is one of the most reliable.
Our data is being used by the World Bank, many researchers around the world.

Now we want to improve analytics, UI of the web app.
So we are calling out devs to help us. The whole website is Open Source.

If you want to contribute back to society with the skills you have please watch out for the issues and please feel free to create a PR :)

The technology stack we use is basic HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javascript.
We use ChartJS for charting, Netlify for CI/CD of the web application.

Once we are done with issues, we also have plans to create a world stats, you can check out here with the basic prototype we made. There is so much cool, amazing things to code, it would be really a great learning experience.

Peace โœŒ๐Ÿป,
Rohith Gilla

Top comments (8)

merriam profile image
Charles Merriam

This is cool!

Would you be able to join a video call next week? I would like to get some people from each Covid-19 team to follow. Unfortunately, we are almost exactly 12 hours off. Can you do 10pm your timezone?

gillarohith profile image
Rohith Gilla

Sure, would love to talk. Drop me an invite at

upieez profile image
Samuel Huang

This is so cool! I'll try to give it a shot and see what I can add :) Thank you for doing this!

gillarohith profile image
Rohith Gilla

Thanks a lot ๐Ÿ˜„

bhansa profile image
Bharat Saraswat

Awesome Rohith, just randomly saw your article here :p, will see if I can add anything.

gillarohith profile image
Rohith Gilla

Wow awesome.
Btw Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹

sukhbirsekhon profile image
Sukhbir Sekhon

I would love to help! I can help with js backend and UI considering I have used most of the technologies in the past and recently as well.

gillarohith profile image
Rohith Gilla

Thanks a lot. Please look at these issues and comment on the issue and I will assign it to you in the GitHub.