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Gias Uddin
Gias Uddin

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GraphQL vs. REST API: What You Didn’t Know

GraphQL and REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs are two different approaches to building and exposing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). While both approaches have their own strengths and use cases, they differ in several key ways. In this article, we will compare GraphQL and REST APIs and discuss their pros and cons.

Structure: GraphQL APIs have a flexible structure, as they allow developers to specify the exact data they want in a request. This makes it easy to retrieve complex data structures and allows for more efficient use of network resources. REST APIs, on the other hand, have a fixed structure, with each endpoint representing a specific resource or action.

Over-fetching and under-fetching: GraphQL APIs can help mitigate the issue of over-fetching (retrieving more data than is needed) and under-fetching (retrieving too little data), as developers can specify exactly what data they need in a request. REST APIs, on the other hand, may require multiple requests to retrieve the necessary data, which can lead to over- or under-fetching.

Versioning: GraphQL APIs do not require versioning, as the structure of the API is flexible and can be changed without breaking existing integrations. REST APIs, on the other hand, often require versioning to avoid breaking existing integrations when making changes to the API.

Performance: GraphQL APIs can be more efficient than REST APIs in certain cases, as they allow developers to specify exactly what data they need in a request. This can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred and improve performance. REST APIs, on the other hand, may require multiple requests to retrieve the necessary data, which can affect performance.

Ease of use: GraphQL APIs can be more complex to use than REST APIs, as they require developers to specify the exact data they want in a request. REST APIs, on the other hand, have a fixed structure and are generally easier to use.

Overall, both GraphQL and REST APIs have their own strengths and use cases. GraphQL APIs are well-suited for situations where a flexible structure and efficient data retrieval are important, while REST APIs are generally easier to use and may be a better choice for simpler use cases.

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