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Discussion on: How are you preparing for the recession?

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Ghost • Edited

what people confuse is caution with fear and panic; the first is an intellectual effort, is a decision, has a purpose. The later is an emotional response, is useless, makes us do stupid things, blinds us. Italy didn't needed more panic, they needed more order, more calm, taking something seriously is put aside fear and panic and make an intellectual choice, not blindly reacting but making informed decisions.

Assume a doomsday scenario has not use now, the important thing is to hold for now; you have some practical advice to be prepared, that's great, please share it; spread fear is useless. Being afraid is not taking action, worrying is not working on the problem. You can cross the street carefully without being scared of cars, you can wash your teeth without panic of losing them, fear mongering is not only unnecessary it will worsen the situation and actually reduce investments and slow even more the recovery of the economy. Generalized fear, is translated to everyone taking out their money from the market and storing it, increasing interests to protect themselves. That's how the economy freezes.

It also worsen the situation causing an enviroment of anxiety, more depression in the air, less and wors sleep, worst mood for everyone. Yes take it more seriously, so stop being afraid and start taking action. Don't stay at home because of fear to get out, stay at home because is the smart move, because you are helping yourself and others; buy with caution what you think you'll need, not with panic to stash and taking unnecesarily from others who actually need it. Don't spread anxiety and depression, lift spirits, that's what we need, you don't rebuild or fix things in terror.