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Cover image for Angular Addicts Issue #4: Micro Frontends, Moduliths, Tutorials & more
Gergely Szerovay
Gergely Szerovay

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Angular Addicts Issue #4: Micro Frontends, Moduliths, Tutorials & more

👋 Hey fellow Angular Addict

This was the fourth issue of the Angular Addicts Newsletter, a monthly collection of carefully selected Angular resources that got my attention.

Let’s learn Angular together! Subscribe here 🔥

You can read the April (#1), May (#2), June (#3) and August (#5) issues here.

💎Angular Gems of July, 2022

📰 How to make Angular applications more robust

Sergey Gultyayev explains thirteen tips on how to develop Angular applications that are easier to maintain.

📰 TypeScript, RXJS: Which Multicast Operator to Use for Sharing HTTP Request b/w Multiple Observers Over Different Time Periods

In his article, AngularEnthusiast summarizes the differences between the various NgRx multicasting techniques through practical examples.

📰 Setup Module Federation in Angular with Nx

Colum Ferry (@coly010) walks us through the setup of Module Federation for an Angular application, he talks about how to create a new application from scratch and how to split an existing application into multiple parts.

📰 CSS isolation with Angular Micro frontends

Eugene Pavliy demonstrates how to create isolated CSS sandboxes for Micro frontends using:

  • Module Federation
  • WebComponents and
  • ShadowDOM

Not all libraries are ShadowDOM friendly yet. Eugene’s article also provides useful tips on how to create workarounds in these cases.

📰 Moduliths in Angular with Nx

Stefan Haas highlights the key differences between the Microfrontends and Modulith architectures. He explains that Moduliths are based on Domain Driven Design and how we can split a Monolith application into separate libraries by domain, and how to enforce the library boundaries with Nx and the Angular Architect’s DDD Plugin for Nx.

👨‍🏫 Tutorials and guides

📙 The Complete Guide to Interceptors in Angular

In his article, Kagklis Vasileios explains:

  • what an Angular interceptor is and how it works
  • how to implement and provide one or multiple interceptors to our application
  • how to mutate requests and responses using an Angular interceptor
  • how to bypass specific or all interceptors if needed
  • other use cases as part of a demo application

📗 Angular 14 Firebase CRUD Tutorial With AngularFire 7

In her tutorial, Estefanía García Gallardo creates a Pokedex CRUD application using Angular v14, Firestore and AngularFire v7.

📘 How to Create a Simple Dialog Box with Angular Material

Lynn Kwong’s article demonstrates how to create Angular Material dialogs and how to communicate with them from you application.

📕 Implementing Infinite Scrolling Using Angular

Michelle Wiginton shows us how to implement an infinite scrolling logic in Angular using ngx-infinite-scroll.

💬 Tweets

Here is a collection of my favourite tweets from July, 2022:

You can find the video of Michael’s presentation in English here.

🙋‍♂️ Who is behind Angular Addicts?

My name is Gergely Szerovay, I work as a frontend development chapter lead. Teaching (and learning) Angular is one of my passions. I consume content related to Angular on a daily basis — articles, podcasts, conference talks, you name it.

I created the Angular Addict Newsletter so that I can send you the best resources I come across each month. Whether you are a seasoned Angular Addict or a beginner, I got you covered.

Next to the newsletter, I also have a publication called — you guessed it — Angular Addicts. It is a collection of the resources I find most informative and interesting. Let me know if you would like to be included as a writer.

Let’s learn Angular together! Subscribe here 🔥

Michelle Wiginton shows us how to implement an infinite scrolling logic in Angular using ngx-infinite-scroll.

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