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Python for everyone: Mastering Python The Right Way

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Studying in general entails a lot. Discipline, focus, dedication, efforts, etc. The issue is we ought to Study SMART NOT JUST hard.
Preparing to take a course in a programming language implies you must have passion for your selected area you anticipate studying. One might even say that this passion helps fuel your ambition and can take you a long way. Admittedly, there are people who are very talented to assimilate a lot of programming languages at once and use them well. That's awesome! Sadly, this isn't smart as it can lead to confusion in the long run.

For more tips on how to study smarter, you could visit

Python is a very easy programming language to pick up, is beginner-friendly which prioritizes readability. Its syntax has similarities with the English language, so if you have chosen Python to learn as your first programming language, you are in very good hands.
Beginners always tend to think they need to attain certain intellectual criteria to be a programmer. Don't let this mentality take away opportunities. Python is for everyone, regardless of age, sex, religion, etc.
You don't need to know anything as a beginner. You just need your personal computer and the will.
As long as you have the passion, you have the quality.

What is the best way to begin python lessons?

The best and most important way to study python programming to implement whatever you study. The codes won't jump from the study material and stick to your brain. You need constant practice.
If you're starting with programming, CONGRATULATIONS. Welcome to the awesome Tech World. You must therefore understand that you need to have little extra patience.
Anticipate minor projects you wish to work on and begin the learning path in order to achieve success in them. You could begin with simple projects enhancing functionality as you code.
Don't breakdown when you get errors. It is a clear indication that you're on the right path. Even the best developers probably came across those errors, but it strengthened them.

Why study Python Programming language?

  • You need to understand that Python programmers are in extremely high demand in the job market.
  • There are always job opportunities
  • It promises a well-paid career.

Where is Python programming implemented?

There are a lot of technologies today made possible because of python. Lots of cool and helpful projects that eases our daily activities and makes life so much easier.
Here are some few areas where python is implemented;

1 - Data Analytics

This is simply exploring data and analyzing  large datasets to trace patterns, predict trends, discover correlation, and get variable insights to do business predictions. 
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2 - Data visualization

This is the pictorial overview of the analysis we are trying to do on the dataset. It gives the system user's a clear picture of the system's behavior.
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3 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI is a part of computer science which involves computer system development which aids the computer with the ability to perform human brain computations.
ML is defined as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.
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4 - Web applications

Using python, webapp development have been made easy with the use of python frameworks like Django and Flask.
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5 - Game development

Using Reinforcement learning, Python is able to bring into light the possibilities of so many events occuring at once in an interesting interactive animated way.
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What do I need to take note of as a beginner?
There are of course very important things to take note of in your journey;

  • Operations
  • Functions
  • Variables and Data types
  • Conditions
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Database Management
  • Handling Files' Just to name a few, though.

Projects for beginners

I bet you're all fired up to dig into python. Well, to get started, you can do the following projects;

  • Hello , World. Never underestimate a good "Hello, World" project
  • Building an alarm clock
  • Guess the number game
  • Binary search algorithm
  • Build interactive quiz
  • Create a simple calculator

Study materials and sites

You can visit any of these sites for a python course;

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