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Design Patterns With Examples in C#

A list of design patterns with examples in C#
[Observer, Adapter, Facade, Singleton, Factory Method, Bridge]

Behavioral patterns


Allows objects to notify other objects about changes in their state (publisher and subscribers). More information with the example available here

interface IObserver{
    void Update(object update);

interface ISubject{
    void Attach(IObserver observer);
    void Detach(IObserver observer);
    void Notify();

class Subject: ISubject{
    private List<IObserver> _subjectObservers;

    public Subject(){
        _subjectObservers = new List<IObserver>();

    void Attach(IObserver observer){

    void Detach(IObserver observer){

    void Notify(){
        foreach(var observer in _subjectObservers){
            observer.Update("Some state");

        Some logic that calls to Notify when needed

class ObserverA: IObserver{
    void Update(object update){


class ObserverB: IObserver{
    void Update(object update){


class SomeClass{
    public void Init(){
        var observerA = new ObserverA();
        var observerB = new ObserverB();
        var subject = new Subject();


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Structural patterns


Allows incompatible interfaces to work together

class ToAdapt{
    public int Calculate(int a, int b){
        return a * b;

class IAdaptInterface{
     public void CalculateWithLessParameters(int a);

class Adapter: ToAdapt, IAdaptInterface{
    public int CalculateWithLessParameters(int a){
        return Calculate(a, 10);

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Provides a simplified interface to complex classes, libraries

public class MemoryCacheFacade
    private MemoryCache _memoryCache;

    public MemoryCacheFacade(MemoryCacheOptions memoryCacheOptions)
        _memoryCache = new MemoryCache(memoryCacheOptions);

    public void Set<TItem>(object key, TItem value)
        _memoryCache.Set(key, value);

    public bool TryGetValue<TItem>(object key, out TItem result)
        if (_memoryCache.TryGetValue(key, out result)) 
            return true;

        return false;

    public ICacheEntry CreateEntry(object key)
            return _memoryCache.CreateEntry(key);
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Bridge design pattern decouples implementation from an abstraction. Useful in versioning when a new software replaces the old but both should run together for the existing codebase.

class Abstraction{
    Bridge _bridge;
    public Abstraction(Bridge bridge){
        _bridge = bridge;

    public string Execute(){

interface IBridge{
    void ExecuteSomeFunction();

class Version1: IBridge{
    public void ExecuteSomeFunction(){


class Version2: IBridge{
    public void ExecuteSomeFunction(){


static void Main(){
    (new Abstraction(new Version1())).Execute();
    (new Abstraction(new Version2())).Execute();
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Creational patterns


Design pattern ensures that only one object of its type exists and there is an access point to that object.

class Singleton{

    private static Singleton singeltonInstance=null;

        Private constructor here is to prevent creation of
        multiple instances of this class
    private Singleton()  

    public static Singleton SingletonInstance{
        if(singeltonInstance == null){
            singeltonInstance = new Singleton();
        return singeltonInstance;


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Factory Method

Provides an interface for creating objects without specifying their concrete classes.

interface IShip{
    string Name();

class BigShip: IShip{
    public string Name(){
        return "Big ship";

class SmallShip: IShip{
    public string Name(){
         return "Small ship";

class Creator{
    private bool _bigShipAvailable = true;
    public IShip FactoryMethod(){
            _bigShipAvailable  = false;
            return new BigShip();
            return new SmallShip();
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Top comments (6)

klyse profile image

This actually reminded me of some patterns I'm not using that often :)

genichm profile image

Which patterns do you use often?

klyse profile image

I think CQRS is a very good pattern to follow, that for sure I'm using often :)

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genichm profile image

Do you have some example of using CQRS? It can be interesting :)

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klyse profile image

I usually use this nuget: and follow some implementation/design pattern I find in the Internet.
This one is great IMHO:

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genichm profile image

Created post based on your comment, will add mediator design pattern to the list too.