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Termux Tools: Enhancing Your Terminal Experience

Termux is an open-source Android app that provides a Linux environment and a complete terminal emulator. It’s a powerful tool for developers who want to code on-the-go. Termux provides access to several packages from common package managers, command-line tools, a customizable terminal emulator, and can be extended with various scripts and tools. In this article, we will explore some useful Termux tools that can enhance your terminal experience.


Fuzzy Finder (FZF) is a command-line tool that facilitates fast and efficient file search. The tool can be integrated with other terminal commands and can be used to filter files based on specific keywords. FZF can search not only filenames but also their contents, making it a powerful search tool.

To install FZF on your Termux terminal, you can use the package manager by running the following command:

$ pkg install fzf
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Once installed, you can use FZF to find and filter files along with other commands. Here is an example:

$ find . -type f | fzf
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htop is a terminal-based system monitor that provides a convenient and comprehensive view of system processes running on your Android device. It shows system resource usage, CPU load, memory usage, and more.

To install htop on your Termux terminal, run the following command:

$ pkg install htop
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Once installed, you can launch htop to monitor your system processes in real-time:

$ htop
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Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that enables you to create and manage multiple terminal sessions within a single Termux window. It comes with features like pane splitting, window management, and session resuming.

To install Tmux on your Termux terminal, run the following command:

$ pkg install tmux
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once installed, you can initialize a Tmux session by running the following command:

$ tmux
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In Tmux, you can create multiple windows and panes within a single terminal window, enabling you to work on multiple tasks at once.

Termux API

Termux API provides separate packages that allow you to access specific Android APIs from the Termux environment. It allows scripts to access device sensors, camera, SMS, voice recognition, and many other Android features directly from the terminal.

To install Termux API, run the following command:

$ pkg install termux-api
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Once installed, you can use scripts to access various Android APIs from within the Termux environment.


Git is a widely-used version control system for software development. Termux can be used as a Git environment, providing access to Git commands through its terminal. You can use Termux to commit, push or pull your Git repositories directly from your Android device.

To install Git on your Termux terminal, run the following command:

$ pkg install git
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After installing Git, you can use the common Git commands such as git init, git add, git commit, git push and git clone.


Termux provides a complete Linux environment and a powerful terminal emulator that can be enhanced with a variety of packages and tools. The five tools mentioned in this article, FZF, htop, Tmux, Termux API, and Git, are just a few examples of how you can enhance your Terminal experience with Termux. With a little bit of exploration, you can find many useful packages and tools that cater to your development needs. Along with its customizable terminal environment, Termux proves to be an excellent choice for developers who want to code on-the-go without compromising on functionality or flexibility.

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