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Takashi Narikawa
Takashi Narikawa

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My Python Project Development Guide ver.202412

What is this

  • The guide to set up a Python project for production deployment.

  • This guide assumes you are using uv for package management and adheres to the rules specified.

  • By following this guide, you can set up a Python project for production deployment using uv as the package manager, enforce code quality with linters and formatters, automate checks with GitHub Actions, configure your IDE to maintain consistency, and write comprehensive unit tests to ensure the project's reliability throughout the development process.

  • We recommend using Python version 3.10 or higher for your project.

  • The majority of this document was created using ChatGPT-4.

  • Sample Project


1. Project Setup/ Set up Local Environment with uv

  • Create a project directory and navigate to it:
mkdir ${project_path}
cd ${project_path}
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  • uv allows you to manage local Python versions without the need for pyenv. It uses a .python-version file for project-specific Python version management.
uv python install ${python_version}
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  • Replace ${python_version} with the desired version, e.g., 3.10.2. This command will create a .python-version file in the project directory.

  • Ensure that all team members use the same Python version specified in the .python-version file.

  • Copy the provided file to the project directory and install dependencies:

    • Copy pyproject.yml example and arrange by yourself
    • For the local environment, use uv to create a .venv virtual environment in the project root.
    • Execute the following commands to set up the virtual environment and install the required packages
uv venv
uv sync
# Run command in the created environment.
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In the pyproject.toml file, we configure various modules for linting, formatting, and task running. Here's an explanation of these modules:

  • Taskipy

Taskipy is a task runner that allows you to automate various tasks in your Python project. In this project, we use Taskipy to define and run tasks such as formatting, linting, and testing. The tasks are configured in the pyproject.toml file under [tool.taskipy.tasks].

For more information about Taskipy, check out the official documentation:

  • Linters and Formatters

This project uses several linters and formatters to maintain code quality and consistency:

Black: A code formatter that automatically formats your code according to the PEP 8 style guide. The configuration is set in the pyproject.toml file under [].

Ruff: A linter that checks your code for style guide violations, potential bugs, and other issues. This covers so many rules inluding flake8’s one and isort’s one. The configuration is set in the pyproject.toml file under [tool.ruff].

Mypy: A static type checker that helps catch potential bugs and ensures that your code is type-safe. The configuration is set in the pyproject.toml file under [tool.mypy].

These linters and formatters are integrated into the project's tasks and the IDE settings, ensuring a consistent code style across the entire project.

2. Create Directory Structure

Create the necessary directories and files:

mkdir assets # you can write main codes in this directory
mkdir tests # you can write test codes in this directory
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3. Write Sufficient Unit Tests with pytest

Ensure that you write comprehensive unit tests using pytest for all critical components of your project. Adequate test coverage helps maintain code quality and reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs during development or refactoring.

To write a unit test, create a unit test, create a new file in the tests directory with a name that follows the pattern test_*.py.

Within the test file, import the necessary modules and define test functions that follow the pattern def test_*():.

Use pytest's built-in assert statement to compare expected and actual values.

To run tests, execute the following command:

uv run task test
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Ensure that all tests pass before committing changes and creating a pull request.

4. Configure IDE Settings

Reflect the contents of the provided pyproject.toml file in the settings file related to your IDE.

For example, if you are using VSCode, add the following settings to .vscode/settings.json:

  "python.formatting.provider": "black",
  "python.formatting.blackArgs": ["--line-length", "102"],
  "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
  "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,
  "python.sortImports.args": ["--profile=black", "--line-length=102"],
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.organizeImports": true,
    "source.fixAll": true
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  • With these settings, VSCode will automatically format and lint code using Black, Flake8, Mypy, and isort.

  • If you use IntelliJ/Pycharm, Please use File Watcher function for auto-running uv run task fmt_lint

Image description

5. Set up CI(Auto lint/test) with GitHub Actions

Create the .github/workflows directory in the project root:

mkdir -p .github/workflows

Create a test_and_lint.yml file and add the following content:

name: python lint and test

      - main
      - "YOUR_PROJECT/**.py"
      - "tests/**.py"
      - ".github/workflows/test_and_lint.yml"

    name: Lint and Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        python-version: ["3.11","3.10","3.9"]

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

      - name: Install uv
        uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v4
          enable-cache: true

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: |
          uv sync

      - name: Python Test
        run: |
          uv run task test

      - name: Python Lint
        continue-on-error: false
        run: uv run task lint

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6. Set up Stage/Prod Environment with Dockerfile

For the stage/prod environment, use a Dockerfile to build the execution environment. First, export the project's dependencies to a requirements.txt file using the following command:

uv export --no-dev --no-hashes --format requirements-txt > requirements.txt
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In the Dockerfile, use pip install to install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file. Ensure that the specified Python version in the Dockerfile is the same as the one used in the local environment.

By following these rules, you can ensure a consistent development environment for all team members and maintain a clean separation between local and stage/prod environments.

Additionally, it is recommended to integrate the configuration of this process into the GitHub Actions YAML for the next 7 Continuous Deployment (CD) steps, as it eliminates the need to work locally.

7. Set up CD(Atuo build Dockerfile) with Github Actions


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