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Fishing for the most creative human fish

Truly a terrific occurrence, serendipitously encountering, opportunities that fashion from chaos chance for harmony by happenstance.

To hope for the acquaintance that brings together kindred stranger's naturally recognized by the same immediate instinct for love.

The Sense of belonging to a feeling that experiences affinity for what calls to us, deeper than our identity.

When the harmony that unifies us separately, also configures circumstance to coalescence of creativity.
How do we not unofficially bind ourselves to the fetters of this quintessence?

The diversity of our perspectives have arranged us the opportunity to meet each other and create for the first time, ever, whatever our chemistry can concoct.

My goal is just to put myself out there and begin to make a presentation of myself in conformity with my style.

So the potential for connection has the chance to manifest its possibility. I am unique and must fashion a novel approach to my interaction with humans. It's critical that I approach all only with the gift giving virtue and not a presumption to take or receive from them.

Unless it be what is shared and discovered from creative collaboration.

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