DEV Community

Fernando Garcia
Fernando Garcia

Posted on

How does procrastination look to you?

What you want to do at home vs. What you end up doing

Top comments (4)

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

It's not sleeping. Just doing it all the last night before. And it sucks and you don't work at your best that way. It's a habit that's hard to get rid of... but I'm at least trying!

fergarram profile image
Fernando Garcia

Thanks for sharing! How long have you been struggling with this?

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Since 1 year, approx. And since 1 month I'm trying to delete the bad habit of finishing everything one hour before the deadline.

Waking up earlier is key to me. I feel more productive at the morning, and I end up sleeping earlier. That way I'm not procrastinating all day and working all night.

datadeverik profile image
Erik Anderson

It looks like this post:
I wrote it and the code while I probably should have been doing something else.