DEV Community

Discussion on: What are your Quarantine Home-Office Habits?

felipperegazio profile image
Felippe Regazio • Edited

i "wake up" 8:00 am (keep turning in bed till 8:40 am), make a black coffee (no sugar), open up the computer, say hi to my colleagues, on the second coffee mug i start a long and normal day with a very common routine. then i do physical exercises around 5 pm, continue to work till 6, 7 pm sometimes, then im done. Its almost automatic, the code/work challenges will guide the day.

i have 3 basic golden rules:

  1. im working (thats it)
  2. always on the same place in the house
  3. don't skip meals

I tend to be a very homely and lonely person (I don't think this is bad at all), so I've been dealing relatively well. curious about the other answers.

danilapetrova profile image
Danila Petrova

Thank you for sharing your experience!

Personally I am pretty self-sufficient as well and most of my favourite activities beyond work are very indoors. So as soon as I made some arrangements to work effectively, I have been able to find a balance that I consider healthy.

I love seeing how different people tackle their challenges, so I am very curious about the other answers!