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Farheen Shaikh
Farheen Shaikh

Posted on 3-Series: How to get started on writing code

Set realistic goals, interest and time commitments

It is necessary to set your goals and time commitments to achieve those goals. If you have decided to start writing code. You must know fundamentals and once it is cleared.

You can now take next step as to set realistic expectation. Start by taking out 1 hour initially. You can try this for one month if works for you. It's on individual to decide how long in a day they take time to study.

Over a period of time you will develop skills and ultimately start solving problems. Though, this would be the least priority thing but trust me once you know data structures and algorithm well. You start getting comfortable writing code you will be confident.

Start taking notes and revise it after two weeks.

Hope this article helps, I am looking forward for your feedback. As this is my first series.

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