Hello again!
So, I've officially completed week two of my journey. This week was absolutely packed with new information and practice. I've been doing some #100Devs, The Odin Project, and CodeWars. I was able to really get my feet wet this week with coding, and I am loving it.
Some things I've done this week:
Learned what event listeners are and how to use them to manipulate the DOM and create a more dynamic webpage.
Completed the Rock, Paper, Scissors task for The Odin Project
Started doing daily CodeWars
Got the beginnings of a portfolio together
Learned more about Arrays and Loops
Gained insight on freelancing from Leon at 100Devs. I learned how it's important to not sell yourself short, to always communicate with your client, to get some kind of deposit, and probably most importantly to always give yourself more time than you think you'll need to complete a project.
So, that's the highlights of the week. I'm quite proud of how much I've learned so far, and I hope to consistently learn more every week. Thanks for reading, and I'll see y'all next week😄
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