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Fabio Biondi
Fabio Biondi

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Create Web Components in Lit, publish on npm & use in Angular 14, React 18 and Vanilla JS Projects (free video course)

I have published a free mini-course to create Web Components using the Google Lit library and TypeScript.

In this series you will also learn how to publish your Web Components on NPM and how to use them in Vanilla JavaScript, Angular 14 and React 18/TypeScript projects.

I use ViteJS to create VanillaJS, React18/TS and the Lit projects, while I use Angular Cli to create the Angular 14 Project

♥️ Don't forget to subscribe my YouTube Channel ♥️

1. Create a Lit Project

2. Create a Web Component with Lit

3. Styling Components with CSS e Custom Props

4. Component Properties

5. Slot

6. Built-in Directives: when

7. Mouse Events

8. Emit Custom Events

9. Publish web components on Npm

10. Use the component in Vanilla JS projects

11. use classMap, update component and re-publish on Npm

12. Use the component in Angular projects

13. Use the component in React 18 projects

♥️ Let me know what you think and don't forget to subscribe my YouTube Channel ♥️

Oldest comments (1)

fredddyrp83 profile image

Hey bro I did follow this tutorial and it does not work at all :(