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Discussion on: Everything I HATE About Linux

explodingwalrus profile image
Carl Draper

"I also believe those three are the best desktops for everyone." Well you're wrong. KDE is great, sorry, it's faster than Gnome, and it doesn't control me. I control it.

kailyons profile image
  1. Anything on earth is faster than GNOME but it is still a wonderful desktop for some.
  2. KDE doesn't control you, neither does GNOME
  3. You don't control KDE. At least not to the level possible with GNOME with extensions, dconf, and GNOME-Tweaks.

Now I hate KDE, it is a terrible DE with no real good to it. It is still a slow feeling compared to LXQt, a much better Qt-based environment, still even behind Lumina (other than speed and size). Last I used KDE (when they started pushing the insane and wrong claim of it being "as fast or faster than XFCE) it was a stable but unpleasant mess with idiotic tools and broken setup that makes no logical sense other than to forcibly look like Windows 10. It is still slow and a system resource hog, that is a simple fact of life.

(Sorry if I got a little hostile, but I cannot ever understand people who like KDE. It has always caused headaches and anger every time I install it.)

explodingwalrus profile image
Carl Draper • Edited

point 3 - you seriously saying Gnome is more customisable than KDE? Wut? Oh and Gnome addons tend to die a lot because Gnome devs do not like customisation, their attitude sucks.

"forcibly look like Windows 10." I think you'll find that when Windows 10 came out, it looked like KDE 4, not the other way round. Also it's customisable enough to make it look how you want it. I dunno what distro you've tried KDE on but I have been using KDE for at least a year and it has been stable and usable all that time, with no show stopping bugs. I have tried using other DEs including other qt based desktops but went back to KDE because Dolphin is the best file manager for me, and it works best in its native environment

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kailyons profile image
  1. My personal experience with enough know-how, GNOME looks like whatever you want. KDE has always fought me on Customization.

  2. I can get where my wording is a bit... weird. But I meant to describe it as a bad clone of Windows 10's look, not that it is an actual clone of Windows 10. I take that fully as my fuck-up. I also used KDE for a year after leaving Fedora with Kubuntu and cannot say the same. Mind you Kubuntu is stable, I just wasn't used to it and the limits I found. Also, I hate Dolphin, I prefer Insight (used by Lumina). I don't care if you like KDE, I just hated my experience with it. Glad you can not experience absolute pain with it. Just my personal opinion.

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explodingwalrus profile image
Carl Draper

" a bad clone of Windows 10's look, not that it is an actual clone of Windows 10. " but it isn't, as i said, Microsoft copied KDE not the other way round, besides as i said, you can change everything about KDE, move panels where you want them, all sorts. Gnome is restricted to a few easily broken addons.

i don't like Kubuntu much because their version of KDE is usually out of date. i don't like Fedora because of it's slow package manager and it being a very Gnome-centric distro.

i can understand personal preferences but no way is Gnome more customisable than KDE.

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kailyons profile image

I will agree to disagree,

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bigpod98 profile image
Primož Ajdišek

well yes KDE is mess and is hard to customize, gnome is much more customizable and easier at that.

O and windows 10 look being a copy of KDE is being generous to KDE first of all KDE copied windows in creation of KDE4 then because microsoft failed to get that start screen good enought and make poeple like it they combined the old start menu witht he start screen to create start menu of windows 10 and i admit they probably used many sources which probably includes KDE