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Ethan Lee
Ethan Lee

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6 Best Databases for Real-Time Updates in Next.js

When it comes to real-time updates in Next.js applications, the choice of database depends on factors such as data structure, scalability, and ease of integration. Here are some of the best databases that excel in providing real-time functionality:

1. Firebase Firestore

  • Type: NoSQL Document Database
  • Key Features:
    • Seamless integration with JavaScript and TypeScript
    • Real-time data synchronization across clients
    • Scalable and serverless, with automatic scaling
    • Ideal for applications requiring real-time updates and offline support

2. Redis

  • Type: In-Memory Data Structure Store
  • Key Features:
    • Optimized for speed and low latency
    • It supports various data structures like strings, hashes, lists, and sets.
    • It can be used for caching, pub/sub messaging, and real-time applications
    • Integrates well with Next.js using libraries like ioredis or redis

3. Socket.IO

  • Type: Real-Time Engine and Library
  • Key Features:
    • Provides real-time, bidirectional, and event-based communication
    • Supports WebSockets and fallback to other transports (long polling, etc.)
    • Integrates with Next.js using the library
    • It is suitable for building real-time features like chat, notifications, and collaborative applications

4. Ably

  • Type: Realtime API and Global Data Stream Network
  • Key Features:
    • Provides a realtime API for building global realtime experiences
    • Handles WebSockets, fallbacks, and scaling under the hood
    • Integrates with Next.js using the ably-js library
    • Ideal for building real-time features like chat, presence, and pub/sub

5. PubNub

  • Type: Realtime API and Global Data Stream Network
  • Key Features:
    • Provides a realtime API for building global realtime experiences
    • Handles WebSockets, fallbacks, and scaling under the hood
    • Integrates with Next.js using the pubnub library
    • It is suitable for building real-time features like chat, presence, and pub/sub

6. Supabase

  • Type: Open-source Firebase alternative (PostgreSQL-based)
  • Key Features:
    • Provides a RESTful API and real-time subscriptions
    • It provides built-in user authentication and storage solutions.
    • It is easy to set up and integrate with Next.js
    • Ideal for applications requiring real-time updates and offline support


The choice of database ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your Next.js application. If you need a fully managed solution with real-time capabilities out of the box, Firebase Firestore or Supabase are excellent options. For more control and flexibility, Redis or Socket.IO can be integrated directly with Next.js. Services like Ably and PubNub provide a realtime API that abstracts away the complexities of WebSockets and scaling.

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