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The Soroswap.Finance Protocol: an Introduction


Open-source AMM protocol for providing liquidity and trading Stellar Assets in Soroban. With SDK and easy to use frontend.

The Soroswap Protocol is committed to contributing to the Soroban ecosystem by providing 100% open-source smart contract protocols and libraries that any project can use as building blocks.

Our goal is to create a user-friendly front-end with tested and working smart contracts that implement UniswapV2, with future plans to incorporate UniswapV3 features to reduce impermanent loss.

Developer Links:

The Soroswap.Finance protocol has (for the moment) one repository:

Introduction and Motivation:

The Soroswap Protocol is inspired in UniswapV2 (written in Solidity) and in the liquidity_pool contract available in the stellar repository.

The Soroswap.Finance protocol consists in:

1.- A Liquidity Pool contract (The SoroswapPair contract): They serve as automated market makers (AMM) and keep track of pool token balances. In Soroban, these contracts implements the Stellar token interface

2.- A Factory contract (The SoroswapFactory contract): Creates one Liquidity Pool Token smart contract per unique token pair.

With this approach, any user can start a new liquidity pool pair from the front-end, and hence without knowing how to code, or without needing to manually deploy a smart contract using the soroban-cli software.

Follow this series in order to know about the v0.1 of the Soroswap.Protocol

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