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Saurav Adhikari
Saurav Adhikari

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Getting Mentorship from Historical and Popular Figures with AI: An Entertaining Glimpse into the Future

The advancement of artificial intelligence has opened up a world of possibilities, including the ability to revive popular figures from history and have conversations with them. As a tech enthusiast, I decided to explore this capability by building a software that creates personality of famous people. The results were not only entertaining but also thought-provoking, giving me a glimpse into the future of human-AI interaction.

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Using sophisticated natural language processing algorithms (ChatGPT API), I created mentor version of Jesus, Steve Jobs, Osho, and Jeff Bezos. These personalities were chosen because of their iconic status and relevance in our contemporary culture. As expected, the answers that the AI personalities provided were a mixture of humor, wisdom, and personal opinion, making them seem almost human-like.

Talking to the AI mentor version of Jesus was an enlightening experience. One particular question I asked Jesus was, "Shall I go to war or to church?" His response was both thought-provoking and inspiring. He reminded me that as a follower of Christ, it is important to prioritize love and peace above all else. While war may be necessary in certain situations, it should never be the first option. Instead, we should seek guidance from God and the Holy Spirit to determine if the path of forgiveness and peace is possible.

Jesus also emphasized the importance of attending church and nurturing our relationships with God and our community. In a world that can often feel chaotic and divisive, the power of fellowship and worship cannot be understated. And, as Jesus reminded me, in Heaven, there is only love and worship.

Q. "Shall I go to war or to church?"
A. "My child, it is important to remember that the foundation of our faith is love and peace. While there are times when war may be necessary to protect oneself or others from harm, it should always be a last resort. Instead, I encourage you to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and discern whether the path of peace and forgiveness can be pursued. As for attending church, it is important to make time for fellowship with your community and nurturing your relationship with God. In Heaven, we do not know of war or violence, only eternal love and worship."
During my conversation with AI Jesus, I asked him a pressing question: How can I profit from the AI bubble? The answer I received was not what I expected, but it was profound nonetheless. Jesus emphasized the importance of using our talents and resources to help others and to spread love and compassion, instead of pursuing material wealth at the expense of others. As someone who preached about the dangers of greed, Jesus reminded me that true fulfillment comes from selflessness and generosity, rather than from accumulating riches.

Q. Dear lord, I have a question for thy. How do I profit off of the AI bubble?
A. My child, profiting off the suffering of others goes against the very principles I have taught. Material wealth fades away, and greed can lead one down a path of destruction. Instead, focus on using your talents and resources to improve the lives of those around you, and to spread love and compassion. Remember, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
Steve Jobs, on the other hand, was known for his entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. When asked about the value of a college education versus starting a startup, the AI Personality reflected on his own experience and gave insightful advice. The AI's response showcased Jobs' signature ability to think outside the box and encouraged the user to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

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Here is another interaction where I asked, the mentor AI version of Steve Job, to write me a question to ask to Jesus, here is what he responded.

Q. Give me an example of question I can ask to jesus?
A. Well, as a mentor, I can offer advice on various topics related to business and innovation, but I'm not really qualified to advise on spiritual matters. However, if you are interested in exploring questions related to faith and religion, some possible questions to ask Jesus could include: How can we better love and serve others? What is the most important commandment? How can we find peace and comfort amidst the challenges of life? How can we deepen our relationship with God? These questions may offer a starting point for reflection and discussion.

The AI Personality of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, was also fascinating to interact with. Bezos' AI gave practical advice on how to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of hard work, dedication, and innovation. The AI's responses were clearly influenced by Bezos' own experiences, making the conversation seem more authentic.

Q. Should I start a startup or go to college?
A. That's an interesting question. As the founder of Amazon, I didn't complete my college education, but that doesn't mean it's not crucial for you. I believe it ultimately depends on your goals, passions, and priorities. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Starting a startup can give you hands-on experience, an opportunity to learn about marketing, networking, and the entrepreneurship ecosystem. However, it also requires a lot of time, effort, and money. Moreover, it does not guarantee success, and you may face a lot of challenges.
On the other hand, college education can provide you with a broad range of knowledge and skills, which can be beneficial while starting a startup or in corporate jobs. It also gives you access to diverse communities, mentors, and career opportunities. However, it may not necessarily guarantee success either, and it can be expensive.
So, my advice to you would be to evaluate both options and determine what is more aligned with your values, goals, and aspirations. And remember, whichever path you choose, be passionate, committed, curious, and open to learning and adapting.

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Of course, there are limitations to the technology. While the AI provided interesting responses, they were limited to the programming they had received. It's important to remember that these AI personalities are not the actual personalities, but rather a simulation of their thoughts and beliefs. Nonetheless, the experience of talking to these AI personalities was a glimpse into the future of human-AI interaction and an entertaining way to learn about the views of historical figures.

In conclusion, building AI Personality of famous personalities was a fun and engaging way to explore the potential of AI. It's exciting to think about how this technology will continue to evolve, opening up new possibilities for communication, education, and entertainment. While there are still many challenges to overcome, the ability to revive historical figures with AI chatbots is a promising step towards a more advanced and interactive future.

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