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Ruby Array declaration & access
# Array declaration
fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
fruits = %w(Apple Orange Banana)
# Array constructor
Array.new(3) #[nil, nil, nil]
# Fill with random numbers
Array.new(3) { [*1..100].sample } #[24, 61, 76]
fruits.length # 3
# Array direct access
fruits.first # Apple
fruits.last # Banana
# Array direct access by position number (zero base)
fruits[0] # Apple
fruits[-2] # Orange
fruits[3] # nil
fruits[1..2] # ['Orange', 'Banana']
# iteration
fruits.each do { |fruit| puts fruit }
fruits.each_with_index do |fruit, index|
puts fruit # Apple
puts index # 0
Ruby Array methods
fruits.include? 'Orange' # true
[1, 5, 2, 4, 3].sort # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3].reverse # [3, 2, 1]
fruits.push 'Strawberry' # append at the end
fruits << 'Raspberry' # append at the end
fruits.unshift 'Strawberry' # Append in front
fruits.pop # remove last
fruits.delete_at(0) # remove first element
fruits.shift # remove the first element
# split a string into an array
'Apple Orange Banana'.split ' ' #['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
# Join array into a string
fruits.join ', ' # 'apple, orange, banana'
# Add in a new array
array1 = %w(dog cat bird)
array2 = %w(fish hamster)
array3 = array1 + array2 #['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'fish', 'hamster']
# Concat in the same array
array1.concat array2
puts array1 #['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'fish', 'hamster']
# Constructing arrays with * splat operator
puts ['dog', *array2, 'bird'] #['dog', 'fish', 'hamster', bird']
#convert to array
(1..10).to_a # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
('a'..'e').to_a # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
Array Map, Select, Detect, Reduce and Count
#map (return a modified array)
names = ['paul', 'john', 'peter']
names_capitalize = names.map do |name|
# ['Paul', 'John', 'Peter']
# short hand version
names_capitalize = names.map { |name| name.capitalize }
# Symbol to proc
names_capitalize = names.map &:capitalize
#select (return all match)
products = [
{ name: 'Mac Book Pro', active: true, price: 1599.99 },
{ name: 'iWatch', active: false, price: 599.99 },
{ name: 'iPad Pro', active: true, price: 699.99 },
active_products = products.select { | product | product[:active] }
#Detect (return first match)
first_active_product = products.detect { | product | product[:active] }
# Reduce (return one)
total = products.reduce(0) do |total, product|
total = total + product[:price]
puts total # 2899.97
# Count (return array count)
nb_products = products.count { |product| product.price > 1000 }
puts nb_products # 1
Array +, -, &, |
# Concat
[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5] #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Difference
[1,2,3,4,5] - [3,4,5] #[1, 2]
# Intersection (Items that both arrays contain)
[1,2,3,4,5] & [4,5,6,7] #[4, 5]
# Returns a union. (A combination of both arrays without duplicates
[1,2,3,4] | [1,2,3,5] #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
If you like this post and want more follow me here on dev.to or on Twitter: Follow @justericchapman
Top comments (4)
As well as concatinating an array with
you can use-
to show you the difference.&
returns the intersection of two arrays. (Items that both arrays contain.)|
returns a union. (A combination of both arrays without duplicates.)Also, the constructor takes a block -- which can be handy.
Thanks a million, I just update the post! I did not even know the union and intersection exist! After 2 years of Ruby I am still impress how easy it is compare to other programming language.
Those are powerful and complex Array operators but Ruby make those so easy to use.
Yes, handling strings and collections in Ruby is a breeze. Those methods are ones I use often so were off the top of my head.
There is a mistake:
Should be
Same on this page: