DEV Community

My new blog

Eric on December 30, 2019

I have decided to write less on Which seems like a ridiculous statement given how good of a platform it is. Here is my reasoning. I have a...
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I’d say cross-post from your blog to DEV and if for some reason you don’t think a post makes sense on DEV, just omit from publishing it here. Having said that, posts on career advice, building a business, work/life balance seem generally welcome here as well, so maybe it makes sense to cross-post your whole new blog here.

My 2 cents 😉

ericadamski profile image

Awesome! Thanks for the advice.

I have been stuck on which tags to use for those specific genres of blog writing. Which is what led me to the the aforementioned conclusion in the first place. Thinking there is no tags for what I am writing about, so there mustn't be an audience.

Glad to hear that isn't the case!

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

I also have a blog, but I find it tedious to cross-post every time.

Also, I might consider cross-posting older posts.

ericadamski profile image

Your blog looks great! I think it's totally worth cross posting, your content looks super relevant!