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Ephraim Duncan
Ephraim Duncan

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The State of Deno

This is only my opinoin. I am not saying it will happen.


Deno is a JavaScript runtime environment built using the Rust language and it runs the V8 engine used by Chrome. Deno was created by Ryan Dahl, the Creator of Node.js to solve the problems in Node. Version 1.0.0 was released earlier this year and the JavaScript Community was excited about it. It was featured in many blog posts and the community support increased exponentially, as expected for any new technology, but compliment has gone down for a bit.

What will happen to Deno.

Nodejs isn't going anywhere, Deno isn't either. Nodejs took 10 years to get where it is now and I think Deno will take less time. No major project is built with Deno, yet, but it will definitetly take over Node. It won't kill Node. Take over. Companies using Node know of the problems in Node and know most of them can be solved using Deno, but it isn't worth the full migration. Deno will start taking over when people doing full rewrite of thier applications decide that since it a full rewrite, why don't I write it in Deno instead of Node and with that, Deno will gradually come up.

Should I Learn Node.js then?

Well,as I said earlier, Node.js isn't going anywhere. Not everyone will migrate from Node.js, not everyone migrated from Rails. It is just that the community will be shifted more towards Deno and TypeScript. But Node won't go anywhere. If you are a beginner, I suggest you learn Nodejs first, It is pretty much stable and it's problems won't affect you that much. Also, learning Deno will be much easier if you already know Node.

Top comments (2)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Agreed Node is still the way to go. Even now Node is still gaining popularity as a backend language and its been out for 11 years! So Deno has a long way to go.

Node: May 27, 2009 - 11 years ago
Deno: 13 May, 2018 - 2 years

ephraimduncan profile image
Ephraim Duncan
