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Cover image for Rewind - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV
Ephraim Duncan
Ephraim Duncan

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Rewind - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

Rewind. Easily access and share your Twitter Bookmarks. You ever wonder about where your Twitter Bookmarks are, because you don't bother to look for them after you click that button? I have a deal for you.

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Landing Page


Random Bookmark Daily




Shared Bookmarks

Shared Bookmarks

Search Shared Bookmarks

Search Shared Bookmarks


With Rewind, free now and forever, you can:

  • Get a Random bookmark for you daily from your bookmarks
  • Share your Twitter bookmarks with others to help them discover new and interesting content
  • Easily access your bookmarks from anywhere
  • Discover new content through the bookmarks of others
  • Search the shared bookmarks for others bookmarks on topics of your choosing

Link to Source Code

The source code is available here:

Permissive License

MIT Licensed


Like most people, I bookmark a tweet I find interesting and leave them to collect dust. I always thought to myself I will visit them again but I never did so I decided to force myself to.

I added some flair and features to make the app interesting. Displaying only your bookmarks is boring. I needed something to challenge myself and this was the perfect opportunity.

How I built it

With this app, I crossed one thing that has been haunting my Todos for a really long time. OAuth 2.0 and how to authenticate user with it and the Twitter API helped me with that.

Using MongoDB, I store the new shared bookmark in an shared collection and fetch it when needed.

I tried MongoDB Altas Search for the first time with the search feature for the shared bookmarks and it was perfect.

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