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ajitdhulam for Python Discipline @EPAM India

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Django Internationalization

Information about Tutorial structure & Nomenclature

We know how vastly popular Django framework for python is, and it supports a lot of battery-inclusion. One of the built-in features of Django is i18n i.e., Internationalization: Below 4 tutorials shows how to utilize i18n to remove language barriers in web applications, with user choose language.

This tutorial series show how to setup translation using Django framework, that means translate the whole web page based on user chosen language, for blog purpose used 2 languages first and default English(en-us) and second one is Portugues(pt-pt), will start project from scratch, before that please go with few nomenclatures to understand easily, and for this blog using Django 2.2 on python 3.7 and all tutorial applicable for later version also


Django Internationalization = The goal of internationalization and localization is to allow a single web application to offer its content in different languages and formats tailored to the audience, Read more .

USE_I18N = If this is set to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not to load the translation machinery, Read more .

USE_L10N = A Boolean that specifies if localized formatting of data will be enabled by default or not. If this is set to True, e.g., Django will display numbers and dates using the format of the current locale. Read more

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