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Abdul Hack Yahaya Yelpoea
Abdul Hack Yahaya Yelpoea

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The "Cyborg" Machine: The New Dawn Of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence has become one of the trending subjects in the field of Science and Technology. There are concerns about robots taking over the world, causing job losses and other issues. However, change is a natural part of life and AI is no exception. A few decades ago, humans filled factories and industries doing risky and dirty work, but today, many of these jobs are done by robots and automated systems with higher productivity rates. AI will continue to change and make its way into our daily lives, and scientists and researchers are working tirelessly to make this happen within the next decade. Their efforts are driven by the accuracy and precision of these algorithms.

Lee Sedol Vs Alpha Go

The Pivot of Artificial Intelligence.

It was March 15, 2016, and the final match between DeepMind's AlphaGo and Lee Sedol had just taken place. Almost everyone, except for the DeepMind team, was skeptical about AlphaGo beating Lee Sedol. However, they were proven wrong as the A.I algorithm completely crushed Lee Sedol. Lee's facial expression spoke volumes - he was in utter disbelief and could not comprehend the fact that he had just lost to an algorithm in one of the most difficult and mind-boggling games in the history of Chinese culture.

This was the start of a new age. People started taking artificial deep learning seriously, and it sparked the interest of many scientists, entrepreneurs, and government bodies. This event sparked the AI gold rush, and top tech companies and entrepreneurs started planning ways they could profit from it. Scientists around the world also started taking research into artificial intelligence seriously, which has led to the major breakthroughs we will discuss below.

The Breakthroughs In Artificial Intelligence.

What is deep learning ?
Deep Learning is currently the most prominent and advanced form of machine learning. It is based on artificial neural networks that utilize multiple layers of processing to extract progressively higher level features from data. Deep Learning has made it possible for machines to be trained on vast amounts of data to identify anomalies and irregularities and learn from those anomalies to make accurate predictions.

One major application of Deep Learning is in the field of self-driving cars and trucks. This industry is one of the most successful and booming fields in Artificial Intelligence. Self-driving cars can make decisions on their own while on the road, and the self-driving car industry is projected to reach a revenue of $400 billion dollars by the year 2035. Top tech companies like Google, Waymo, General Motors, and Uber have ventured into this field and advanced their researches. Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla, is optimistic about Tesla's ability to reach level 5 (the most advanced self-driving technology) by the end of 2024. He is putting in his best effort to make this possible, and it is only a matter of time to find out.

Will A Robot Replace Human ?

Alex Rodrigues's Embark
This is one of the most googled questions in the world; almost everyone is worried about A.I replacing them at their jobs. Well, the reality is "Yes", A.I and robots will replace some humans, leaving them with no jobs. Scientists believe that the most at-risk jobs are the ones that involve a lot of repetitive tasks and require no technical skills. They believe that by the end of the next decade, humans are going to be compelled to undergo training and re-training in order to cope with the advancement of artificial intelligence and technology in general.

An example of this is with the trucking and transportation industry. A special case here is the young robotics champion Alex Rodrigues, CEO and founder of Embark. He is on a journey to revolutionize the trucking industry with his self-driving trucks start-up, Embark. This start-up is set to begin operations by the end of 2024.

Can Artificial Intelligence save lives ?

Curing Cancer with AI
Cancer is one of the deadliest causes of death in the world, from lung to breast and skin cancer. This problem has been around for centuries, dating back as far as 3000 BC. Today, science has changed the way we detect this disease, but Artificial Intelligence is proving to take this further by making it possible for malignant cells to be detected early.

Some researchers at MIT are trying their best to make this possible. Sybil is a deep learning algorithm that is able to detect and predict with precision future lung cancer risks by looking at CT scans. Every day, we hear of many similar breakthroughs and achievements. Scientists are on a quest to solve humanity's biggest problems and diseases with Artificial Intelligence and Technology, and with the abundance of computing power we have today, all of this is possible.

The algorithm works by first processing the CT scans and then extracting features from the images, such as nodule size, shape, and location. It then uses these features to predict the likelihood of malignancy. Sybil was trained on a large dataset of CT scans of the lungs, with annotations from expert radiologists.

What makes Sybil unique is its ability to accurately predict future cancer risks, rather than just detecting existing tumors. This is a crucial advantage, as early detection of lung cancer is key to improving patient outcomes. Sybil can detect even small nodules that are difficult to see with the naked eye, allowing for earlier detection and treatment.

Sybil has been shown to outperform traditional methods of lung cancer detection, such as manual inspection of CT scans by radiologists. In a study published in the journal Radiology, Sybil was able to accurately predict lung cancer risk in 6 out of 10 cases, compared to only 1 out of 10 cases for traditional methods.

Overall, Sybil represents a significant step forward in the field of medical imaging and artificial intelligence, with the potential to save countless lives by improving early detection and treatment of lung cancer.

Will Robots take over the world ?

These questions sound like they were taken straight out of a sci-fi movie or a comic book. It's a question that is often brought up whenever the topic of Artificial Intelligence is discussed. We've seen in various movies from Netflix to Amazon Prime, advanced robots created in various labs taking over the world and having all humans worship them. But the actual fact is that this is not possible anytime soon. The ability for an A.I to take over the world and control us all is unlikely to happen in this era. So, it's out of the Artificial Intelligence bucket list for now.

Artificial Intelligence is here only to make our lives better, to help us build the world we have always dreamed of building--a world free from evil, harm, crime and pain, a world filled with equality and balance. The only way this is going to be possible is by accepting and embracing the effects of Artificial Intelligence and living with it.

"AI and automation will continue to augment and replace both routine and non-routine tasks, but in doing so, they will open up entirely new opportunities for the economy and society as a whole." - PwC report on AI and the economy

Believe it or not A.I is here to stay.

Top comments (1)

harixara82984 profile image
HarixAra • Edited

This is an Interesting article 👍