DEV Community

Discussion on: The Relaunch of my Portfolio for 2021

eliancodes profile image
Elian Van Cutsem

Very nice, looks great! Doesn't the repeating classes annoy you? cfr your projects are all exactly the same, still you'll need to edit all of them if you decide to make a change (except if you're using a framework that loops over them ofcourse)

kovah profile image
Kevin Woblick

Thank you for the feedback!
Actually, all projects (the big cards and small ones) are included via a template like this: {% include content/project-card, projectTitle: 'LinkAce', imageSrc: 'src/assets/images/projects/linkace.jpg', imageAlt: 'LinkAce screenshot', ...%}. Inside the template, the project card is filled with the information. So I only have 1 place to edit the classes.