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CodeBehind Framework Tutorial Series

The content you are viewing is a tutorial series that deals with the new back-end framework called CodeBehind.

CodeBehind was developed by the Elanat team and is a strong competitor to Microsoft's default .NET Core web frameworks (ASP.NET Core MVC, Razor Pages, and Blazor).

ASP.NET Core Frameworks

CodeBehind is .NET Diamond!

Development of systems using the CodeBehind framework, usually with the C# programming language, is done under ASP.NET Core.

The link below is the address of the supporting content of this course, and the explanations related to this tutorial series are included in it.

Supporting content of the tutorial series

List of trainings:

  1. Introduction

    • What is CodeBehind Framework
    • Why was CodeBehind created
    • Advantages of CodeBehind Framework
    • Unique MVC architecture in CodeBehind
    • Knowledge prerequisites
    • Unique MVC architecture in CodeBehind
    • Minimum required hardware and software
  2. Configuring the CodeBehind framework in the ASP.NET Core project

    • Installation of Visual Studio Code and necessary items
    • Creating a new .NET project
    • Add CodeBehind Framework package
    • Configure the CodeBehind framework in the Program.cs class
    • Run project
  3. View in CodeBehind

    • What is View
    • CodeBehind View extension
    • CodeBehind View syntax
    • Create only View
    • HttpContext in View
  4. Add Model in View

    • Create an application with only View and Model
    • CodeBehindModel abstract class
    • Using CodeBehindConstructor method
    • View class without abstract
    • Model-View in Visual Studio Code
    • Why use ViewData
  5. Controller in CodeBehind

    • Why do some people not understand the concept of MVC?
    • How to teach MVC?
    • Why do we need a Controller?
    • MVC example in CodeBehind
    • CodeBehindController abstract class
    • Using CodeBehindConstructor method
    • MVC in Visual Studio Code
    • Add a new View
    • Change View in Controller
  6. Example of displaying information with MVC in CodeBehind

    • Activation of static files in ASP.NET Core
    • Add static file
    • Series data
    • Series Models
    • Series Views
    • Prevent access Default.aspx
    • Series Controller
  7. Layout and its benefits

    • Why should we use Layouts?
    • Use Layout in CodeBehind Framework
    • Add Layout in series project
  8. Using WebForms Core

    • Create View
    • Create Contoller
    • Advantages of WebForms Core
    • Fidelity to HTML
  9. Work with database

    • DatabaseContext class
    • Set ConnectionString
    • Add content in database
    • Content list View
    • Edit content data
  10. Not mandatory in MVC

  11. Applying new View and Model by Controller class

  12. Adding a new View without changing the Controller and Model

  13. Calling the View in the current View

  14. View design with Razor syntax

  15. View design with standard syntax

  16. Modular structure in CodeBehind

  17. Using constructor method

  18. HtmlData classes

  19. Download file

  20. Dynamic Model

  21. Working with templates in View

  22. Return template

  23. Interesting ideas for working with template and return template

  24. Transfer template block data with ViewData

  25. Send data by ViewData

  26. AJAX example in CodeBehind

  27. Activate the section feature

  28. Send information by submitting form

  29. Loading a View page in another View page

  30. Error handling

  31. Getting to know the settings of the options file

  32. Manage urls and remove the aspx extension

  33. CodeBehind framework data

  34. Namespace and dll for CodeBehind view class

  35. Error detection

  36. Route configuration

  37. CodeBehind configuration alongside Razor Pages and ASP.NET Core MVC

  38. Advanced configuration

  39. Modularity in the default mode

  40. Modularity in the configuration of the controller in the route

  41. Separate compilation

  42. Applying changes to views without the need to recompile

  43. How is the list of views finally made?

  44. Cache in CodeBehind

  45. Work with database

  46. CodeBehind access system

  47. Authentication and authorization in CodeBehind

  48. Publish project and deploy on web

Note: This list will be updated over time. Every time a new tutorial is added, its link will be available in the above list.


All trainings in this tutorial series belong to the Elanat team and have no copyright; therefore, the republishing of this tutorial series is free from our point of view; please also check the copyright provisions on this platform before republishing the content.

Related links

CodeBehind on GitHub:

CodeBehind in NuGet:

CodeBehind page:

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