DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you deal with the endless stream of interruptions that we have nowadays?

eelstork profile image

Well. If social media are a distraction to you, and this extends to your desktop usage, you are in a kind of pickle. However, you are literally interrupting yourself. Which isn't the same as fending off notifications.
After I noticed that smartphones were disrupting my life and workflow, I did a simple thing. Removed all social apps and games from said phones. My main smartphone doesn't even have a SIM card, and I mainly use it as a book reader / music player.
But for you, I would recommend this: put your social apps on a phone or tablet, and leave your "social device" out of reach while working. Make a habit of browsing these social sites on a device other than your work computer.
What is your workflow like? Does it have a regular structure? Working on content I don't easily get distracted. Each task is like a meal (research => design => implement => test => polish and commit) so erm. I kinda think this structure helps me stay focused. Obviously not all work is so neatly laid out (which is fine) but what I mean is, when that structure breaks down, I'm more likely to get distracted.
Another thing. When getting distracted, go for a walk. For some people this works well (not everybody).

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Tea. I appreciate it!

I'm in a bit of a pickle indeed, yeah. The social device suggestion is excellent.

Good point about structure as well. My daily workflow is basically wrestling whatever stories I have this sprint while trying I try to avoid checking Twitter and DEV every 15 minutes, haha.

It has been almost a week after I posted this question but I feel like I'm doing better this week.