DEV Community

Edwin Gonzalez
Edwin Gonzalez

Posted on

Will AI make web development obsolete?

Hello all,

To all developers that are currently in the field: What is your opinion on AI? Do you think AI will make web development obsolete? I'm new into the field in general and found that I am deeply passionate about web development, but the things I read online and see on YouTube videos are showing a big possibility that AI will dominate. I'm looking for some concrete insights on this matter from anybody in the field.

So should I stay in development (I'd like to) or start looking for something else. I am graduating college soon and want to ensure a good future for my family and I. Thank you, Community.

Top comments (3)

kalreus profile image

I don't think AI will replace us as web developers but more enhance our workflows. AI is good at giving code for basic static websites but struggles to give anything meaningful for anything complicated. A lot goes into the development process at enterprise level that AI may not be trusted with such as security practices. For the foreseeable future, I think we're safe, sure things could change down the line but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

edwin_gonzalez_5222 profile image
Edwin Gonzalez

Thanks for the support! I totally agree with your take on the workflow improvements. I'm definitely not trying to compete with AI.

slimgee profile image
Given Ncube

Clients will have to accurately describe what they want first