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Ten key trends in AI 2024

Ten key trends in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for 2024. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Multimodal AI goes beyond traditional single-mode data processing to encompass multiple input types, such as text, images, and sound.

  2. Agentic AI marks a significant shift from reactive to proactive AI. AI agents are advanced systems that exhibit autonomy, proactivity, and the ability to act independently.

  3. Building large language models and other powerful generative AI systems is an expensive process that requires enormous amounts of computing and data. But using an open-source model enables developers to build on top of others' work, reducing costs and expanding AI access.

  4. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a technique for reducing hallucinations, with potentially profound implications for enterprise AI adoption.

  5. To build customized generative AI, most organizations instead modify existing AI models -- for example, tweaking their architecture or fine-tuning on a domain-specific data set.

  6. As AI and machine learning become more integrated into business operations, there's a growing need for professionals who can bridge the gap between theory and practice.

  7. Organizations are facing the issue of shadow AI: the use of AI within an organization without explicit approval or oversight from the IT department.

  8. Organizations are likely to face a reality check in 2024 -- a phase often referred to as the "trough of disillusionment" in the Gartner Hype Cycle. "We're seeing a rapid shift from what we've been calling this experimentation phase into, 'How do I run this at scale across my enterprise?'"

  9. The proliferation of deepfakes and sophisticated AI-generated content is raising alarms about the potential for misinformation and manipulation in media and politics, as well as identity theft and other types of fraud.

  10. Unsurprisingly, given these ethics and security concerns, 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for AI regulation, with laws, policies, and industry frameworks rapidly evolving in the U.S. and globally.

Credit goes to: targettech

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