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Cover image for Day 703 : Famous Last Words

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Day 703 : Famous Last Words

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a meeting with my manager to talk about the projects I'll be working on this sprint. I worked on an outline for a demo/sample application that I'll be coding this sprint. That will happen after I refactor some older demos to use an upcoming SDK. Luckily it won't take much, I think. Famous last words. haha. Rest of the day was spent getting an older demo running. Got it working but had to do some things that I made a note of. It's an internal tool, so it should be alright.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show. Worked a little on my side project. I did a bunch of research on trying to abstract the URL of the endpoints so that when someone else installs the application, it will use their URL to make the calls. Finished the night watching "Vinland Saga".

A field in Piopio, New Zealand with very tall grass and a gravel road with mountains in the distance.

Going to listen to more tracks for the radio show. Then I want to work on my side project to at least get the URL abstraction working. After that, I want to get events and locations saved to the settings file. There's more I want to do, but if I can get that done, I'll feel good. I'll then end the night watching a couple of episodes of "Spy x Family".

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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