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Cover image for Day 327 : Random Call

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Day 327 : Random Call

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a pretty diverse set of things happening today. Got to sit in on an International Women's Month celebration event my company was having. Got to hear from some folks within the organization and their experiences. One person actually built a physical "Flappy Bird" clone. After the presentations, we all got to talk with each other in virtual meeting rooms. Got to meet some other people doing cool things inside and outside the company. After that, worked on my WebXR x Web Components x Vonage Communication APIs demo application for a presentation x blog post I've got coming up. I actually had to figure out how to make the 3D assets I would need. Thank goodness for Microsoft Paint 3D! haha Still have to play with some styling and add some logic, but I'm almost there! With all the stuff that I would have had to learn if I started from scratch, I'm super happy with the progress I've made in like a week.

  • Personal : Last night, I went to Publix to get some sushi and other things. Because I bought sushi, the cashier asked if I was going to watch anime. haha We got to talking about "Attack on Titan" haha. Random. Got to my parking spot and listened to some tracks for the radio show and got the data saved to the database to display on other pages. I did this for both events and users. Came together pretty well. I had to do a compound query in Firestore and it took a little while for the Firebase dashboard to finish building so I went to bed. Next morning, I checked and all the subset of data was loading in the order I wanted.

Looking into a green lush mountain valley in Geislergruppe, Italy

After work, I had a meeting with some folks from the radio station. They wanted my feedback on some iOS and Android apps they want to build for the station. I mostly do Web technologies, but I was able to be a listening board and give some suggestions on the design and functionality. It was a good talk. Totally loss track of time. Going to get another lap in around the park and head to my spot. Probably work on my demo application and maybe get it to the point where it's semi functional. I'll also probably go through some more tracks and work a little on my side project's admin panel.
Sidenote: I've been getting random calls on my Pixel 4a. It was a cool feature that will screen the call for me automatically and I can see who's calling and why. I don't give that number out so it's mostly spam.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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