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Day 213: Soothing

liner notes:

  • Professional : Whew, busy day! Got up early to work on my blog post and attend the first talk prep session, which was canceled, so I stayed working on my blog post. Got to talk with the Developer Education team about a project my team wants to start. Got some really good feedback. Sat in on the All Hands meeting where THE WHOLE COMPANY hears announcements from the Executive board and get to ask the board questions. Had lunch, then another talk prep session. This was a follow up talk so that we could see any of the changes and feedback given last week were integrated. Really good talk. It's on Blazor. Basically spent the rest of the day, working on my blog. I was going over a section and decided to create another example using a newer way so I spun up another Glitch project and talked about the code.

  • Personal : I drove to a park to spend my work day and charge up my battery with my solar panels. (Can't wait to get solar panels mounted to the roof....Soon come!) It was a nice day so I took a walk around the park during lunch. I think I'll be doing that more. Also, realized that I still have my internet account live at my old place which gives me access to a network of hotspots around the country. So instead of using my phones' data plans I can just sign on. Been getting some really good speeds. I think my folks have the same internet provider so I'll be helping them out with their bill so I can use there account to sign in to hot spots since my physical address will be their place.

A trail through a forest of huge Redwood Trees in Redwood State Park in California

It's raining now in the park and it's kind of cool to hear the rain hitting the roof while I code. Pretty soothing. Going to continue working on this blog post. Oh yeah, last night, I worked out a way to redirect a person to a specific page when they click "go back" on the event page of the side project I'm working on. If they go to the page directly, then they will be redirected to the home page, but if they get to the event page from either the upcoming or past events page, they will go back to the one they came from. Just had to think about how I wanted it to work and figure out how to get Sapper/Svelte to do it. Wasn't too bad to get it done. After the rain, if it's not too late, I'm going to stop by the market to pick up some things. Back to this blog.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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