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My First Program: Money After Expenses

I recently started learning Python 3 on Codecademy to start my computer science journey. This program is the first program I have ever coded on my own with no guidance. For this project, I was instructed to create a program, but I wasn't given instructions for what kind of program to write specifically. It took me a while to think about, but it occurred to me that I have a spending problem, and that a finance calculator would be really helpful to help me manage my money.

The program I created, which I have linked below, prompts users to enter their general financial information; how many hours they work per week, how much money they make hourly, and how much they spend monthly on rent, utilities, groceries, and other expenses. The program takes this information and calculates how much money the user has left after their monthly expenses, which they can put into savings or use at their discretion.

I had a very good time making this first program of mine. It was difficult coming up with an idea, but once I got the ball rolling, everything just kind of flowed into place. I wasn't confident I could write a program by myself at this point, but I ended up doing it successfully, and had my father and sister test it to ensure it worked with various inputs. While it's a simple program, I'm very proud of myself for it, and I look forward to making more complex programs in the future.

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Top comments (1)

ozdemirrulass profile image
Ulaş Özdemir

Congratulations! It's wonderful to see you here. I hope you continue to feel the excitement of running your first code throughout your software journey. As you know, it will be a challenging and lengthy path, but it is incredibly satisfying and enjoyable. Despite the ups and downs, I'm still enjoying myself! Sharing your projects on GitHub and writing articles about them is a great idea! I wish I had done the same years ago; the best way to learn is through public learning. I hope you never lose this enthusiasm. Keep up the good work, and hey, check your repo I just gave you your first star!