DEV Community

Nathan Wood
Nathan Wood

Posted on

I created a blackjack terminal program


I am currently studying using codecademy to learn more about coding with the hopes that in the future I will be able to change my career over to software development. I made this game as part of my course, if anyone could offer any pointers on where I could have done better, please feel free to let me know! I know the logic isn't 100% accurate, as it doesn't include aces, however I don't think I'm at the level I need to be at to implement that logic.

Thank you for reading :)

import random

def draw_card():  
    return random.randint(1,10)

def start_game():
    dealer_hand = [draw_card()]
    player_hand = [draw_card(), draw_card()]
    print("Welcome to blackjack!")
    print("Dealer has {d}\nPlayer has {p}".format(d = sum(dealer_hand), p = sum(player_hand)))
    #player turn
    while True:
        act = input("Hit or stand on {p}? ".format(p = sum(player_hand))).lower()
        if act == "hit":
            print("Player draws a {new}. Player hand: {p}".format(new = player_hand[-1], p = sum(player_hand)))
            total = sum(player_hand)
            if total > 21:
                print("Player busts on {p}! Dealer wins!".format(p = sum(player_hand)))
            elif total == 21:
        elif act == "stand":
            print("Player stands on {p}".format(p = sum(player_hand)))
            act = input("Please type \"Hit\" or \"Stand\"")
    #dealer turn
    print("Dealer has {d}".format(d = sum(dealer_hand)))
    while sum(dealer_hand) < 17:
        print("Dealer draws a {new}\nDealer has {d}".format(new = dealer_hand[-1], d = sum(dealer_hand)))
    print("Player has {p}, dealer has {d}".format(p = sum(player_hand), d = sum(dealer_hand)))
    if sum(dealer_hand) > 21:
        print("Dealer busts! You win!")
    elif sum(dealer_hand) == sum(player_hand):
        print("Its a tie!")
    elif sum(dealer_hand) > sum(player_hand):
        print("Dealer wins.")
    elif sum(player_hand) > sum(dealer_hand):
        print("You win!")

game_over = False
while not game_over:
    answer = input("Play again?(y/n) ")
    game_over = answer[0] == "n"

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