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Cover image for Scrape Google Books Ngrams Viewer in Python
Dmitriy Zub ☀️
Dmitriy Zub ☀️

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Scrape Google Books Ngrams Viewer in Python

What will be scraped


Comparing with the scraped data plot:



Separate virtual environment

In short, it's a thing that creates an independent set of installed libraries including different Python versions that can coexist with each
other at the same system thus preventing libraries or Python version conflicts.

If you didn't work with a virtual environment before, have a look at the
dedicated Python virtual environments tutorial using Virtualenv and Poetry
blog post of mine to get familiar.

📌Note: this is not a strict requirement for this blog post.

Install libraries:

pip install requests, pandas, matplotlib, matplotx
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Reduce the chance of being blocked

There's a chance that a request might be blocked. Have a look
at how to reduce the chance of being blocked while web-scraping, there are eleven methods to bypass blocks from most websites.

Full Code

import requests, matplotx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

params = {
    "content": "Albert Einstein,Sherlock Holmes,Bear Grylls,Frankenstein,Elon Musk,Richard Branson",
    "year_start": "1800",
    "year_end": "2019"

headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36",

html = requests.get("", params=params, headers=headers, timeout=30).text
time_series = pd.read_json(html, typ="series")

year_values = list(range(int(params['year_start']), int(params['year_end']) + 1))

for series in time_series:
    plt.plot(year_values, series["timeseries"], label=series["ngram"])

plt.title("Google Books Ngram Viewer", pad=10)
matplotx.line_labels()  #

plt.xticks(list(range(int(params['year_start']), int(params['year_end']) + 1, 20)))
plt.grid(axis="y", alpha=0.3)

plt.ylabel("%", labelpad=5)
plt.xlabel(f"Year: {params['year_start']}-{params['year_end']}", labelpad=5)
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Import libraries:

import requests, matplotx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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  • requests to make a request and matplotx to customize plot line labels.
  • pandas to read convert JSON string to pandas Series which will be passed to matplotlib to make a chart.
  • matplotlib to make a time series plot.

Create search query URL parameters and request headers:

params = {
    "content": "Albert Einstein,Sherlock Holmes,Bear Grylls,Frankenstein,Elon Musk,Richard Branson",
    "year_start": "1800",
    "year_end": "2019"

headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36",
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  • User-Agent is used to act as a "real" user visit so websites would think that it's not a bot or a script that sends a request.
  • Make sure you're using latest User-Agent. If using old User-Agent, websites might treat particular request as a bot or a script that sends a request. Check what's your User-Agent at

Pass search query params, request header to requests and read_json() from returned html:

html = requests.get("", params=params, headers=headers, timeout=30).text
time_series = pd.read_json(html, typ="series")
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  • "" is a Google Book Ngram Viewer JSON endpoint. The only thing that is being changed in the URL is ngrams/graph -> ngrams/json. Besides, that, it accepts the same URL parameters as ngrams/graph.
  • timeout=30 tells requsests to stop waiting for a response after 30 seconds.
  • typ="series" tells pandas to make a series object from the JSON string. Default is DataFrame.

Add year values:

# 1800 - 2019
year_values = list(range(int(params['year_start']), int(params['year_end']) + 1))
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  • list() will create a list of values.
  • range() will iterate over a range of values that comes from search query params, in this case, from 1800 to 2019.
  • int() will convert string query parameter to an integer.
  • + 1 to get the last value as well, in this case, year 2019, otherwise the last value will be 2018.

Iterate over time_series data and make a plot:

for series in time_series:
    plt.plot(year_values, series["timeseries"], label=series["ngram"])
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  • label=label is a line label on the time-series chart.

Add chart title, labels:

plt.title("Google Books Ngram Viewer", pad=10)
matplotx.line_labels()  #

plt.xticks(list(range(int(params['year_start']), int(params['year_end']) + 1, 20)))
plt.grid(axis="y", alpha=0.3)

plt.ylabel("%", labelpad=5)
plt.xlabel(f"Year: {params['year_start']}-{params['year_end']}", labelpad=5)
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  • pad=10 and labelpad=5 stands for label padding.
  • matplotx.line_labels() will add style labels which will apper on the right side of each line.
  • plt.xticks() is a ticks on X the axis and range(<code>, 20) where 20 is a step size.
  • grid() is a grid lines, and alpha argument defines a blending (transparency).
  • ylabel()/xlabel() stands for y-axis and x-axis label.

Show plot:
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If you have anything to share, any questions, suggestions, or something that isn't working correctly, feel free to drop a comment in the comment section or reach out via Twitter at @dimitryzub, or @serp_api.

Dmitriy, and the rest of SerpApi Team.

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