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Diya Malhotra
Diya Malhotra

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Streamlining PDF: Merging PDF Pages into One Seamless Page

In various scenarios, such as data analysis, report generation, or document management, you might need to merge multiple PDF pages into a single, continuous page. While there are paid solutions available, leveraging free and open-source libraries can achieve the same result.
In this article, we'll explore a Python-based approach using the PyPDF3 library to merge PDF pages into one long page without the need for paid libraries.

Why Merge PDFs into One Long Page?

Merging PDF pages into a single, extended page offers several advantages:

**1. Simplified Viewing: **It provides a seamless viewing experience by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple pages.

2. Enhanced Analysis: For data-intensive documents, consolidating all information onto one page can facilitate comprehensive analysis.

3. Presentation Purposes: A single-page PDF is ideal for presentations or sharing visualizations that span across multiple pages.

4. Streamlined Data Extraction: With all PDF pages merged into one elongated page, the consistent coordinate system simplifies data extraction tasks. This facilitates efficient image extraction, text recognition, and other analytical processes, enhancing automation and accuracy in document processing workflows.

We'll utilize the PyPDF3 library, a powerful Python tool for manipulating PDF files.

The approach involves:

  1. Reading the input PDF file.
  2. Calculating the total height required for the merged page.
  3. Creating a new, blank page with increased height.
  4. Placing the content of each page onto the merged page, and adjusting the vertical position accordingly.
  5. Writing the merged PDF to an output file. Implementation: Let's dive into the code snippet to demonstrate how to merge PDF pages into one big page using PyPDF3:
import PyPDF3
def merge_pages(input_pdf_path, output_pdf_path):
 with open(input_pdf_path, 'rb') as input_pdf:

 pdf_reader = PyPDF3.PdfFileReader(input_pdf)
 pdf_writer = PyPDF3.PdfFileWriter()
 first_page = pdf_reader.getPage(0)

total_height = sum(page.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y() for page in pdf_reader.pages)
merged_page = PyPDF3.pdf.PageObject.createBlankPage(width=first_page.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x(), height=total_height)

current_y = 0
for page_num in range(pdf_reader.numPages):
page = pdf_reader.getPage(page_num)
page_height = page.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()

merged_page.mergeTranslatedPage(page, 0, total_height - current_y - page_height)

current_y += page_height


with open(output_pdf_path, 'wb') as output_pdf:

merge_pages('/content/page.pdf', 'output.pdf')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this code:

  • We open the input PDF file and create a PDF reader object.
  • The height of the merged page is calculated by summing up the heights of all pages in the input PDF.
  • A new blank page is created with the calculated height.
  • Each page from the input PDF is placed onto the merged page, adjusting the vertical position.
  • The merged PDF is then written to an output file.

By leveraging PyPDF3, we can merge multiple PDF pages into a single, continuous page without resorting to paid solutions. This approach provides a cost-effective and straightforward method for handling PDF manipulation tasks. Whether for data analysis, presentations, or document management, merging PDF pages into one big page offers practical benefits and streamlines various workflows. Try out this approach in your projects to simplify PDF handling and enhance user experience.

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