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My Learning React Notes

.js in React files have the following format

  1. IMPORTS This is where you put stuff you are importing.

import React from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';

***note for mobile, it is react-native
react-dom is for the web

  1. The Element

How to create a react element

cont elementName = React.createElement(


  1. EXPORTS const contaier = document.querySelector('#root') **This is basically the instruction telling it where to go. *the page(s) where you want to put this element say this is where they go by your putting #root in. const root = createRoot(container); **you have to create the container that the element will go in. root.render(element);

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Components are usually defined as JS functions and will return one or more React elements.

React elements describe what we want to create.

React.createElement('html thing like h1 or p or div', , what goes in the html)
React.createElement(FunctionName, null)

**You have got to capitalize the function name, this is what lets react know you want it to be processed as a component