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Dhruv Joshi
Dhruv Joshi

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Why Python Developers losing jobs? Tips To Survive

The tech world is dynamic, and job security is no longer a given, even for in-demand skills like Python development. While Python remains a popular language, recent economic downturns and industry shifts have led to concerns about job stability for Python developers. Let's find out the reasons behind these challenges and explore strategies to future-proof your career.

The Job Market Reality Check of Python Devs

Despite Python's popularity, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive. A recent LinkedIn survey revealed a 25% increase in Python-related job applications over the past year. Coupled with economic uncertainties, this has led to a more challenging landscape for Python developers.

However, it's essential to note that the demand for Python skills hasn't diminished. The key lies in adapting to the evolving job market and acquiring specialized skills.

Understanding the Challenges of Python Devs

Economic Downturns

Global economic conditions can impact hiring across industries, including tech. Companies often prioritize cost-cutting measures, leading to layoffs or hiring freezes.

Over-saturation of Python Developers

The increasing popularity of Python has led to a surge in developers, intensifying competition for available roles.

Shifting Industry Focus

While Python remains relevant, the specific demands of the job market are evolving. There's a growing need for specialized skills beyond core Python knowledge.

Automation and AI

Advancements in automation and AI are transforming the way certain tasks are performed, potentially impacting the roles of some Python developers.

Future-Proofing Your Python Career

To navigate these challenges, Python developers must adapt and evolve. Here are some key strategies:

Deepen Your Python Expertise

Go beyond the basics. Explore advanced Python concepts, libraries, and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Django.

Specialize in a Niche

Consider specializing in a specific domain like data science, machine learning, or web development. This can make you more valuable to employers.

Master Related Technologies

Learn complementary technologies like SQL, cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure), and data visualization tools to broaden your skill set.

Build a Strong Portfolio

Showcase your skills through compelling projects. Contribute to open-source projects or build your own applications.

Continuous Learning

Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the Python ecosystem. Attend conferences, workshops, and online courses.


Build strong relationships with other developers and industry professionals. Attend industry events and leverage platforms like LinkedIn.

Tapp: Your Partner in Upskilling

At Tapp, we understand the challenges faced by Python developers. Our project-based learning approach helps you build a strong portfolio and develop in-demand skills. Our expert mentors provide guidance and support to help you stay ahead of the curve.

By combining your passion for Python with a strategic approach to career development, you can weather the challenges and thrive in the changing tech world.

Top comments (4)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi

Hi, thanks for the comment. I understand. Tapp is not an ordinary program. It's a project-based learning program in which you build projects while learning. So, if you have not tried project-based learning yet, you should. It changes perspectives. There's a free trial, too. See you there.

samadyarkhan profile image
Samad Yar Khan

I code in python everyday but I don't consider myself a python dev. I probably can code the same thing in TS or Go if needed. I think the problem starts with boxing yourself into a language or frameworks. Python having a low entry barrier, has a lot of devs, same as basic front end, but as you go on to build deeper tech, the crowd gets thinner.

adityasreeram007 profile image

Something or other like this will be coming . Year after year . If we keep panicking for everything we can't survive . What really matters is are you able to fill in a role for a company that's it . It doesn't really matter what you know you can easily scale up in few days .