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Dhruv Joshi
Dhruv Joshi

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Angular v17 Benefits for App Development in 2024

Angular v17, released in November 2023, brings several new features and improvements that can benefit app development in 2024. Here are some key highlights:

Improved Performance and Efficiency

  • Ivy Rendering Engine
    The new Ivy compiler and renderer engine enhance compilation speed and runtime performance, leading to faster loading times and smoother user experiences.

  • Lazy Loading Improvements:
    Granular control over lazy loading modules reduces initial bundle size and improves app startup time.

  • Change Detection Optimizations:
    Zone-less change detection minimizes overhead and boosts app responsiveness.

Want a specific feature in your app? Hire an Angular developer now!

Enhanced Developer Experience

  • Strict Mode Improvements:
    Strict mode is now more granular and informative, helping developers catch errors early and write cleaner code.

  • Improved Tooling:
    Updates to the Angular CLI and other tooling make development workflows smoother and more productive.

  • Better Error Handling:
    Improved error messages and diagnostics simplify debugging and troubleshooting.

New Features and Functionality

  • Standardized APIs
    Consistent APIs across platforms (web, mobile, desktop) streamline development and improve code maintainability.

  • Virtual Scrolling
    Built-in virtual scrolling for large lists optimizes performance and user experience on mobile devices.

  • Improved Accessibility
    Accessibility features are now better integrated, making apps more inclusive for users with disabilities.

Benefits for App Development in 2024

  1. Faster Development: Improved performance and tooling can lead to faster development cycles and quicker time to market.
  2. Smaller App Sizes: Smaller bundle sizes thanks to lazy loading and improved rendering reduce data usage and improve user experience on low-bandwidth connections.
  3. Smoother User Experiences: Performance enhancements and responsiveness improvements lead to more engaging and enjoyable app experiences.
  4. Easier Maintenance: Cleaner code and stricter error checking make apps easier to maintain and update in the future.
  5. Accessibility Focus: Improved accessibility features can broaden your app's reach and cater to a wider audience.

Overall, Angular v17 offers a compelling upgrade for developers looking to build high-performance, efficient, and maintainable web applications in 2024. If you're considering using Angular for your next project, v17 is definitely worth exploring.

Remember, these are just some of the potential benefits. The specific advantages you experience will depend on your individual app and development needs.
Read all the points about Angular V17 from here:

Angular V17 Framework Update: Inspect Latest Features & Enhancement

Deep Drive into what's new in Angular V17 and Explore the latest features and enhancements shaping cutting-edge web development for dynamic applications.


I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about Angular v17 or app development in general.

Top comments (9)

ronaldohoch profile image
Ronaldo Hoch

Were you able to build and upload a website to a simple web server, like npx http-serve ./ and have it work?

I tested it on two projects, one with prerendering and the other without it and neither works :/

dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi

Did you check the configs?

ronaldohoch profile image
Ronaldo Hoch

I found my mistake, it's not with angular, but using a wrong server package to test. Using http-serve instead of http-server, from npm.

ronaldohoch profile image
Ronaldo Hoch

I don't know which exactly config you're talking about. I'm running the build command in a generated project with CLI. 🤔

nermin_karapandzic profile image
Nermin Karapandzic

Recently I was trying the angular 17 with ssr and I couldn't get the angular server (express) to use the cookies when sending requests from the server, and pass them down again with response. This is something that just works with other frameworks. I even raised an issue on github and some guy from angular just said there is some library that does this, and this library is outdated and does not work with v17...

I loved angular because it felt more complete than any of these other frameworks, but with all these new changes I am not too keen to going back to it, because of things like this.

dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi

I think it's better to wait for updates or explore alternatives! Thanks for the comment!

genieck profile image

I'm looking for a developer to collaborate on a project that is "simple" and involves only putting together a few other projects that are already written. It shouldn't take long, it's something the world really needs; and it should be significantly financially rewarding, as well as in other ways; just via a token offering. Text me if you can help; 954-667-8083.

dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Thanks for this, btw. what is this virtual scrolling thing?

dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi

Thanks for the comment; you can get more info here