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Dhanashree Rugi
Dhanashree Rugi

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Find Largest And Smallest Number in a Linked List.

For a given linked list, you are supposed to write two separate functions that finds the largest and the smallest number in a linked list and print both the numbers.

Example 1:
Input: 4 6 2 8 1
Output: Largest Number: 8
Output: Smallest Number: 1

Example 2:
Input: 4 5 9 8 2
Output: Largest Number: 9
Output: Smallest Number: 2

Steps to find Largest number:

  • Initialise an integer variable max to INT_MIN.

  • Using temporary pointer temp start traversing the linked list and compare each data element in the linked list with the variable max until the end of linked list.

  • If the current node’s data is greater than value of max, then store the value of the current node’s data into max.

  • Finally, print the value of variable max which contains the largest number of the linked list.

Steps to find Smallest number:

  • Initialise an integer variable min to INT_MAX.

  • Using temporary pointer temp start traversing the linked list and compare each data element in the linked list with the variable min until the end of linked list.

  • If the current node’s data is lesser than the value of min, then store the value of the current node’s data into min.

  • Finally, print the value of variable min which contains the smallest number of the linked list.

Note : We are using INT_MAX because all the data elements are lesser than this and INT_MIN because all the data elements are greater than this. Using these two macros our findings become very easy.

C program that finds the largest and the smallest number in the linked list.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <limits.h>

struct node
    int data;
    struct node * next;

void displayLL(struct node * head)
    struct node * temp;
    temp = head;
       printf("%d ",temp->data);
       temp = temp->next;
void small(struct node *head)
   struct node *temp = head;
   int min;
   min = INT_MAX;

   while(temp != NULL)
       if(min > temp->data)
           min = temp->data;
       temp = temp->next;
   printf("Smallest number of linked list : %d", min);

void large(struct node *head)
   struct node *temp = head;
   int max;
   max = INT_MIN;

   while(temp != NULL)
       if(max < temp->data)
           max = temp->data;
       temp = temp->next;
   printf("Largest number of linked list : %d", max);

int main()
   struct node *head = 0, *newnode, *temp; 
   int n, choice, newdata;

// Create Linked List // 

   printf("Enter the number of nodes in the list : ");
   scanf("%d", &n);

   if(n == 0)
      printf("Linked list cannot be empty");

   for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
     newnode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
     printf("Enter the data%d : ", i);
     scanf("%d", &newnode->data);
     newnode->next = 0;
     if(head == 0)
        head = temp = newnode;
        temp->next = newnode;
        temp = newnode;
   printf("Linked list : ");
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