DEV Community

Discussion on: The guide to create (offline) multi tenant apps with Expo and AWS Amplify

devtghosh profile image
Devjyoti Ghosh

Hey thanks for the great article. I had a question how would the dataflow work when creating users within groups from the frontend with amplify. Is there a way I can mention the tenantid and CognitoUserPoolID that a user belongs to?

rpostulart profile image

Of course you can. You can update the user attributes. It is explained here:

The userpool is configured with amplify

devtghosh profile image
Devjyoti Ghosh

How would you get a company's tenant id though while signing up a user to the editors group for ex? My imagining is the main company Admin/Tenant signs up and then to add users to his organization they adds their email address and it temporarily signsup the user with the relevant tenant id & group details & sends an email to the users containing their userid and temporary password that they need to change. Kind of like how IAM works.

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rpostulart profile image

Indeed, that is how I would do it.