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What Have You Learned from Your Tech Career Changes?

Have you made significant career transitions within the tech industry? What lessons have you learned during these transitions that could help others?

This week we're exploring the experiences of seasoned developers: their stories, hurdles, and successes. Like what you're reading? Follow the DEVteam for more discussions like this!

Top comments (1)

ameliaostergaard profile image

So - my journey was kind of weird. I spent almost a decade as a farm hand to pay for school, but have been programming for seven years.

In all the binds I’ve gotten in and out of over the years, the farm skills have seen me through more than any of the technical skills.

I guess I'm just saying “Be kind”, hold empathy for your clients and peers, and people notice when you help get them unstuck.

As well, the best experts I’ve worked with have had a real attitude of humility. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something, and be willing to dig in and learn. There’s too many moving parts for everything to live in your head.

Also if you feel like you’re not going to meet a deadline or be able to do a feature, communicate that early. We all miss deadlines - communicating early helps make sure the people depending on you can accommodate for that without getting into a bind themselves.

(These aren’t concrete examples, but I can promise these come from lived experiences.)