DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v292

two cartoon scientists with the text 'hello' above them

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. ๐Ÿ‘‹

  3. Come back next week to greet our new members so you can one day earn our Warm Welcome Badge!

Top comments (172)

matthew_greer profile image
Matthew Greer

Hey DEV. I'm Matthew, a Software Engineer with 2-3 years of professional experience post-bootcamp, mostly Ruby on Rails & JS.

Fun fact: I used to be a professional actor (lots of theater, Broadway, some TV, etc.). Here's a funny commercial I did with Ryan Reynolds.

umar01 profile image

Hello my name is Hussain, a hardware Engineer, also I want know the basic of software Engineering

anthonyzok521 profile image
Advanced Community

Welcome ๐Ÿ‘‹

Thread Thread
de_mathew_bd82e69fd59b876 profile image
de mathew

Thank you

thiago2santos profile image
Thiago dos Santos • Edited

I am so curious about this 180 degree career change. R U enjoying??
BTW. Welcome!!!

telliott profile image
Tom Elliott

That's probably the best mobile game ad I've ever seen! Excited to hear more about your career switch, especially how things developed post bootcamp.

frankwally profile image

What a switch from your last career! What made you decide to change? I'm 35 and feeling nervous about starting over in a new career (but also excited).

made_of_stars profile image
Tommie Nygren

I cannot overstate how hilarious that commercial was. That's so cool. Is he as charming and nice in real life as in... real life?

You played your part well. ;-)

matthew_greer profile image
Matthew Greer

He was as nice as he seems, Tommie (@made_of_stars ), and more: collaborative, courteous, and eager to make that silly commercial the best it could be. He warmly introduced himself and immediately started talking with me about a change he wanted to make to the script. "I don't think I should say this line. It's putting a hat on a hat. What do you think?" I thought he was absolutely right; the line commented on the situation rather than letting it be as funny as it was. He then politely wrangled with the writers & director & everybody in charge and got them to cut it.

Oftentimes stars make themselves the only important person in the room, but he invited me to play and suggest ideas. After several takes, I told him -- though it wasn't scripted -- I thought it'd be funny if I knocked the burrito off the counter and he said, "I love it. Absolutely." When we first did it, the 2nd AD got mad at me for it, but Ryan defended the idea and insisted we keep doing it because it was funnier.

My best example is this: we were shooting in a trailer on a hot day, and air conditioning had to be off while we were shooting because of the sound. You might not notice, but I'm in a wool turtleneck and thick trousers and boots, and I was sweltering. Because I'm behind him, Ryan couldn't have seen how uncomfortable and sweaty I was, but when the 2nd AD (who was in shorts and a tank top) griped about how hot it was, Ryan immediately said, "You know who's probably really feeling the heat? Matthew in his turtleneck. Are you ok back there, Matthew? Would you like someone to bring you some water or a towel or something?"

So yeah, based on my experience, he's an extraordinarily kind, thoughtful person and a delightful actor to work with. And thanks very much for the complement!

mary_vivian_00c58e1bb0bb3 profile image
Mary Vivian

Can you teach me more about it

gopar_shasubwat_83c32eb2c profile image
Gopar Shasubwat


itstiagopereira profile image
Tiago Pereira

WOW nice commercial ๐Ÿ˜

asoton2705 profile image

This sounds very interesting Matthew. I like Ryan Reynolds. He's a big human person and a great actor at the same time. Personally my favorite actor it's Keanu Reeves.

michelle_lo profile image
Michelle Lo


baptista_eanes_ff550565e5 profile image
Baptista Eanes


vinod_kumar_7b58f9beecf58 profile image
Vinod Kumar

I'm Vinod Kumar, software engineer working professional from last 3+ years of experience with PHP Laravel full stack developer and this is my first company and am going to switch into node give me your opinion is it good for me or else need to switch any other.

jvs4ntt profile image
Joรฃo Santos

Hey Vinod, I'm from Laravel too, let's connect

simonriemertzon_27 profile image
Simon Riemertzon

Hello DEV!

Since I'm no good in presentations I will be shamelessly stealing @matthew_greers formula.

I'm Simon! Ive been coding for about 7 years, professionally for about 5. I started my journey with App Development schooling, learned some Java and now I'm back with iOS development for the automotive industry.

Fun fact: I once accidentally shaved off one of my eyebrows in an attempt to look neater in preparation for a date I was going to. I also updated my driving licence photo at that time, which was a nice way of reminding me of my embarrassment. (Date went exceptionally well though)

tajammal_mabool profile image
Tajammal Mabool


jodembele profile image

Hi! Nice story lol

cullen profile image

Hey Everyone,

My name is Cullen. I am a Business Systems Analyst who is currently between roles. I am planning to use this time off work to improve my technical knowledge and hopefully teach myself some new skills/languages.

I am super interested in javascript and python and hope to begin there. I am looking at a Coursera course for python but it is a little overwhelming trying to find the best place to start! Would love any suggestions/guidance anyone can provide.

I have lots of experience with databases and automation through my career. I am passionate about PKM and discovering and sharing productivity tools, tips, etc. with the adhd & neurodivergent community.

My latest and greatest PKM tool is Tana. I am currently enrolled in a 4 week course on how to create Advanced Knowledge Systems in Tana. I personally believe that Tana might be a game-changer given some more time and support!

Anyways, it's great to meet everyone. Sorry this was kind of brief and scattered. Would love to chat more with anyone who is interested!


atomax profile image
Jack Kweyunga

Hello DEVs! I'm Jack Kweyunga, a software engineer and DevSecOps practitioner with a passion for building software and sharing knowledge with the community. I'd love to connectโ€”feel free to check out my GitHub or connect with me on LinkedIn

I enjoy experimenting with new technologies and constantly exploring fresh ideas. I'm excited to learn from this community and share my own insights along the way!

charity_everett profile image
Charity Everett

Welcome and nice to meet you Jack! Sent a connection request.

tieni_15 profile image
Douglas Tieni • Edited

Hi Devs, I'm Douglas, a Tech support in storage and backup. I recently started my journey towards becoming a cloud engineer by completing the AWS practitioner course. I didn't pass the exam so I'm planning for a retake soon. I do lots of practicals on my free tier account.
Additionally, I am also learning python via
I am glad to join you all in this community. I will appreciate any pointers, suggestions or recommendations in my cloud journey. Thank you

jodembele profile image

Good luck!

tieni_15 profile image
Douglas Tieni

Thanks Joseph

alexander_shagov profile image
Alexander Shagov

Hey! My name is Alex. At work, I'm doing some Ruby and Ruby on Rails stuff. In my spare time, I enjoy doing some random programming for fun and also playing the piano (the piano I've been doing since I was 6!)

Recently, I started exploring the Nix package manager. Check out my first post about Nix for beginners: Nix First Steps

made_of_stars profile image
Tommie Nygren

Cool, I did a testrun of nix a while back, because I like the concept, but I couldn't go through with it because it was just too damn strict for me. But the idea is so excellent. I kept on truckin with Ubuntu and Manjaro (really like Manjaro actually).

I am always up for a new linux distro... :D

alexander_shagov profile image
Alexander Shagov

It definitely has a learning curve, and in my opinion, it's more than enough to only use the Nix package manager (including flakes) on whatever system you're using. It's totally fine to give up trying to switch to NixOS completely, though the philosophy behind it is great indeed

palkerecs profile image
Pal Kerecsenyi

Nice article! What are you using Nix for right now?

sunil_kumar_69cd12f1d738b profile image
Sunil Kumar • Edited

I am Sunil, a UI enthusiast having 14+ years of experience in React, NextJs, Angular, Node, MEAN, MERN. I started writing journey and thought to share with everyone interested. Would appreciate feedbacks/suggestions.

UI Geeks


Can mail me at:


sayno_flex profile image

Hello Devs !
My name is Houssain, actually a full-time physical-therapist.
I have a crush on IT since my young age, now I'll give it a try & switch my career from healthcare to IT.
Web Dev or Data analysis, any recommendations ?
I'll be glad to read your comments & learn from your experiences :)

cyberchucktx profile image
Charlie Lindahl

Hey Dev. I'm a lifelong tecchie/nerd who's about to leave my job of 23 years and I'm looking for intresting things to do including Open Source projects. I've got a broad and deep background in programming from large mainframes down to Arduinos and smaller PICs.

I'm particularlyd interested in IOT applicadtions as they apply to environmental applications such as water monitoring.

rockybaes profile image
Lion Life

Hey, I'm Laye Lyn (aka Lion), a BS software engineering student currently doing an internship in a private company. I'm looking for more opportunities as a software engineer. I also have experience of developing websites for movies and Tv shows. Recently I made Freecine App for movie streaming.

michelle_lo profile image
Michelle Lo

Hey DEV community!

Iโ€™m excited to be here and connect with like-minded developers! Iโ€™m Michelle, a Full Stack Developer who loves working with JavaScript, React, Next.js, and React Native. Iโ€™m always on the lookout for new projects to build and new skills to learn, and Iโ€™m eager to collaborate with all of you!

Currently working on my personal portfolio, it's a MacOS clone! It's still in progress, consistently working on it and updating it. Also, only works on desktop screens at the moment! Feel free to give me feedback as well!

Feel free to check out my work or connect with me:

Personal Portfolio

Looking forward to learning and sharing with this awesome community! ๐Ÿ˜Š

rafaterrero profile image
Rafa Terrero Developer

Hey DEV!
I'm Rafa, Software Developer. Glad to join you all in this community.
My life is a composition of the family, work, friends and all my side hobbies such as develop games, open source, and so on. I also enjoy playing volleyball and listening to Kraftwerk in my free time.
I have had a weird experience with a proxy company in Spain... I will share my thoughts with all of you about that. Hope will be interesting.

phinthehuman profile image

Hello I'm a Final year student in Software Engineering currently learning Python and aspiring to become a Devops Engineer Excited about cloud technologies, automation and continious integration / deployment (CI/CD)...please I would need all the help I could get as I'm open to ideas traversing the world of tech

timtrussjr profile image

Hello, everyone!

My name is Tim, and I'm from Saint Louis, MO.

I'm currently in the pursuit of becoming a Software Engineer through a cohort.
I'm sitting roughly at Class 10/60 thus far, and it's been a joy to learn and grow within the field.

Tech has always been a dream of mine, and it feels good making sure that this dream becomes reality.

Currently learning HTML, CSS, and about to start learning JavaScript.

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