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Dev on Remote
Dev on Remote

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Meetings vs no meetings team?

4th question from the Dev Pools series.

Same rules as before. Since we can't add polls, we select an emoji.

Do you prefer days with multiple meetings throughout the workday, or days without them?

❀️ - I like having multiple meetings during the day
πŸ¦„ - I don't like having multiple meetings during the day

Btw, why do you think that way?

Top comments (4)

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

I'm team no-meetings. I don't mind them as long as they have agenda and aren't right after another, but very often they aren't needed.

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

If I had no choice though and had 3 or so meetings in one day then having them one after another would be much better - less losing/getting back to the context

kocreative profile image

Certainly not everyday. But a bi-weekly catch up means I know what is going on with my team. Some weeks I can miss people coming into the office, so a team round up meeting is vital so I don't lose touch with what others are working on.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I prefer no-meeting days so that I can stack certain days as more meeting-heavy days.

Sometimes those days suck, but it's better than being sprinkled to death with meetings.