DEV Community

Artem Tanyhin
Artem Tanyhin

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Hacktoberfest PR#2: Windows isn't the greatest OS for development

Hey there! Glad you've come by.

Last week, I've been trying to get my second PR for Hacktoberfest. Let me tell you about how it went.

Looking for something to work on

My previous issue for Hacktoberfest was kind of easy to find: I saw a message in Telescope's Slack channel about translating documentation to different languages.

This week, however, it wasn't so easy to find an issue. I really didn't want to work on the same repo, and I wanted to start doing some coding, instead of just Markdown stuff, so I started my search.

I spent around 3 hours simply trying to find something that would suit my preferences. At first, I was looking through some big projects I am interested in, like VS Code or NestJS, but issues in such big projects are of much higher complexity than I wanted to work on this week.

So, eventually I started looking for issues rather than repos. I added some labels and details to the search so I wouldn't just look through 83 million issues, and finally found an issue in Intel's cve-bin-tool.

It looked more difficult and a bit confusing at first, but in the end changes weren't that huge. And while this week's contribution might seem much easier than translation, it certainly wasn't...

Project installation, or why I dream of a Mac

After I replied to the issue, I forked the project and started setup. I mean I started trying to set up.

To begin with, I have a Windows laptop. I have always been rather unhappy with Windows as a developer. Something always breaks, and sometimes things just don't work at all. And today I got another confirmation of that assumption.

When I tried running installation scripts, I had errors. Not with one certain part of a project, I had full terminal in color red. I started thinking that I did something wrong during an installation, but apparently it was simply because I needed to use Unix-based OS. Spent around 1.5 hours to understand that though...

So, I went ahead and setup Ubuntu VM using WSL for development, and started my work there. And just like you'd think, everything ran as smoothly as it could.


The changes I made were not drastic, I would rather describe them as a small optimization.

When I was finished, I opened a PR, and all I have to do now is to wait for feedback.


I am certain that I accomplished what I was trying to do for the second PR. I understood how projects are usually setup, and gathered some experience with WSL and Ubuntu.

What I've done this week prepares me for bigger things I am planning to do in future weeks.

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