DEV Community

Artem Tanyhin
Artem Tanyhin

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Contributing is fun!

Hi again! Glad you've come

This week I've been working on adding some features to SauSaGe - Static Site Generator (SSG) built with C++.

To be frank, it's been some time since I last wrote in C++, and it does feel rusty, but it always feels good writing in C++. It just has a special place in my heart.

For SauSaGe, I decided to add some Markdown support and Headings 1 and 2 (# and ##) features. So, I started an issue on Rudy's repo and got to work.

Like with every GitHub contribution, I started this one with a fork of the repo, where I created a separate branch for the issue, and started analyzing the code. I feel like reading the initial code is so much more important, than writing the features themselves. If you understand the environment, you will eventually understand how to work in such environment. It is also important not to change the structure of the code without the owner's agreement.

I firstly made support for .md files, which was easy enough, and then I edited the HTML generation function, so if the file is .md, the Headings will be parsed from text. After my changes were done, I pushed everything to my branch and initiated a pull request.

I liked this process a lot. Not only does it open a whole world of other people's projects for you to play with, but also everything is kept clean and organized, just how I like it.

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