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Dennis Ping
Dennis Ping

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How to install any version of Python on Northeastern's Linux server


Northeastern's Khoury Linux server is locked to old Python 3.6.8. In addition, you aren't allowed to install any Pip packages such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib, or scikit-learn! 😥


Today I'll show you how to install ANY Python version and ANY Pip packages on your personal account in the Khoury Linux server! I'll use Python 3.10.5 (the latest version at time of writing).

I don't care. Just give me the script!

Copy paste this entire code block into your terminal after logging into the Linux server.

wget -O - | tar -xz && mv python PortablePython
python3 -venv ~/temp_venv
source ~/temp_venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p=~/PortablePython/bin/python3.10 ~/Python3.10
rm -r ~/temp_venv
if [ ! -e .bash_profile ]; then touch .bash_profile; fi;
echo alias activate="cd ~; source Python3.10/bin/activate >> .bash_profile
source .bash_profile
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Steps and explanations below:

1. Login to your Northeastern Khoury account

ssh <username>
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Verify Python3 version

python3 --version
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You should see python 3.6.8 which is Northeastern's default Python.

2. Download your desired Python version

Since we are blocked from installing a fresh version of Python, we need to use a prebuilt portable version. Luckily, someone on Github has already prebuilt the binaries for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

We are looking for:

  • Python 3.10.5
  • Targeting Linux GNU
  • x86_64 bit v3 (for Intel Haswell 2013 and above)
wget -O - | tar -xz && mv python PortablePython
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After running this wget command, type ls and you should see a new directory called PortablePython. Keep this! We will point our Linux machine to use this version instead.

3. Create virtual environment #1

Create a temporary virtual environment called temp_venv in your home directory

python3 -venv ~/temp_venv
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Activate this temp_venv

source ~/temp_venv/bin/activate
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Install virtualenv 3rd party package into this temp_venv

python3 -m pip install virtualenv
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Why do this? The default venv only lets us create a virtual environment of our current Python version, while the virtualenv package lets us create a virtual environment of ANY Python version (older or newer).

4. Create virtual environment #2

Create a permanent virtual environment called Python3.10 (or whatever you like). I recommend a short, descriptive name. Create it in your HOME directory for simplicity sake.

virtualenv -p=~/PortablePython/bin/python3.10 ~/Python3.10
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Deactivate and delete temp_venv

rm -r ~/temp_venv
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Create an alias command so we can point our Linux machine to use Python3.10

if [ ! -e .bash_profile ]; then touch .bash_profile; fi;
echo alias activate="cd ~; source Python3.10/bin/activate >> .bash_profile
source .bash_profile
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5. Freedom!

Activate and deactivate your Python 3.10.5 virtual environment with these 2 commands

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You should see a new label in your terminal prompt whenever activated

(python3.10) -bash-4.2$
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Verify that it's indeed the correct version (3.10.5)

python3 --version
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Install anything you want!

python3 -m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn
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Check your installed pip packages

python3 -m pip list
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  • Every time you log in, you have to run activate in order to use your own Python virtual env.
  • You don't have to deactivate before logging out. It will automatically do it for you.
  • Don't worry, nothing is actually being overwritten on your Khoury Linux account, you're just pointing it to use your virtual env Python3.10 instead.

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