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BekahHW for Deepgram

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What are the coolest uses of AI you've seen in the last couple of weeks?

There have been some really interesting uses of AI floating around the web recently. What have been the coolest or most interesting you've seen?

Latest comments (18)

chiragagg5k profile image
Chirag Aggarwal

one word, chatgpt. its phenomenal how capable it is

bekahhw profile image

I’ve seen some really interesting uses with it. I love seeing what people dream up.

algerina profile image
Amel Khiri

I watched a lot of videos about ChatGTP but when I tried ti use i find that it is unvailbe in my country

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

ChatGPT has my mind racing for sure.

bekahhw profile image
BekahHW • Edited
jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

The most useful I've seen is to practice a foreign language with an AI bot

Here the need is real, it is hard to make friends in a language you don't master yet, being shy, fearing to make mistake, etc are major issues

mrlinxed profile image
Mr. Linxed

That is super cool actually!

bekahhw profile image

Love that! It reminds me of this submission from @miguelmj for our hackathon at the beginning of the year!

miguelmj profile image

Hey, thanks for the shoutout <3. Contributions always open, by the way ;)

michaeljolley profile image
Michael Jolley

ChatGPT has had my attention this last week, but I do worry about the authoritative way that it answers questions, considering those answers aren't always correct.

bekahhw profile image

Same. I've seen some really great ways to use it. And as a former English teacher, I think this is the biggest impact I've seen to liberal arts education.

bradtaniguchi profile image

As an MCU movie watcher, its Disney's new FRAN AI that can de-age or age actors on the fly:

This isn't super new technology, its been a "filter" on Snapchat for a while. However a big-name company using it, and having results that look pretty great looks promising.

I'm curious if this has been used in other movies yet. I know they have de-aged Indiana Jones in the latest movie, and that also looks pretty good, so I'm curious if this was leveraged for that.

Today's movies are filled with so much CGI, that quality across the board has fallen simply due to the volume of work that needs to be done. If animators/artists/special-effects-people could leverage some AI in some places to make better looking things, I think its a win-win. Get to create these cool concepts, while not overworking the market, and still being able to execute all of them at a large scale.

bekahhw profile image

That's an awesome use case. I wonder how that impacts things like costume and makeup for movies that require actors got through major time changes.

bradtaniguchi profile image

This would be another area I think it could be useful, but I'm not sure where the training data would come from.

We have tons of records for knowing how people age, but that doesn't apply to getting an artist's ideas into the practical world, since is all unique.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Bekah, my mind has been blown this past month as I've dived deeper into transformers and what is now possible. The world is clearly quite different here.

I'm going to be writing a lot more on transformers shortly, but some key things that have dazzled me have been:

Glowing Squirrel in the woods

  • Image generation using MidJourney (see my Twitter art posts for additional samples)
  • Automatic story generation (with images) from Fabled.AI
  • Physna unveiling a transformer capable of generating limited 3D scenes
  • Anything and everything from ChatGPT
  • My own limited success training an AI to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf

Oh, and of course, Lensa, though its images have been interesting at times.

Myself as Brick from Borderlands?

Terrifying fake images of myself aside, this stuff is groundbreaking and is only going to get better over time. We have some critical needs we need to address with transformers, but it's incredible that they've only been around 5 years.

bekahhw profile image

I haven't used Lensa yet, but I'm so tempted as I see more folks posting their images.

mcsee profile image
Maxi Contieri

ChatGPT talking about Qatar soccer world cup

bekahhw profile image

I haven't seen that one, but it sounds super interesting.