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Gleb Krishin
Gleb Krishin

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Debug controllers and debug flow in VSCode

Hey, hey ๐Ÿ‘‹ After we have learned about how to configure our debugger, let's talk more about the actual debugging controllers ๐Ÿ•น


We will put some breakpoints
Button component with breakpoint
As you see, we put a breakpoint on line 12, so we will be able to receive a context of our props.
After that, you restart the page and see in the run & debug section of the VSCode the following structure. We will talk more about this section later.
Run & Debug menu in VSCode
On your screen, near the breakpoint will appear a yellow outline, which means that your code stopped its execution at this line
Stop execution on a breakpoint
We will also get controllers:
Debug controllers VSCode

  1. Continue โ€“ An action to take in the debugger that will continue execution until the next breakpoint is reached or the program exits.
  2. Step over โ€“ An action to take in the debugger that will step over a given line. The function will be executed if the string contains a function, and the result is returned without debugging each line.
  3. Step In โ€“ An action to take in the debugger. If the line does not contain a function, it behaves the same as "step over" but if it does, the debugger will enter the called function and continue line-by-line debugging there.
  4. Step out โ€“ An action in the debugger that returns to the line where the current function was called.
  5. Restart
  6. Stop

Controller demo


With "Continue", we can resume debugging to the next breakpoint you put previously.

Step over

"Step over" functionality helps us to go to the following execution line without putting a new breakpoint.

Step in

"Step in" gives us a superpower to traverse up&down in a function execution and see the function's return values in a variables section.

Step out

I'm happy that we're now familiar with essential debugging tools and ready for a new journey to something more advanced! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

Top comments (2)

dt_reshape profile image

Great and most importantly detailed guide!

dealwith profile image
Gleb Krishin

Thanks for the feedback !